Cont. Talythia

Taly loves trivia’s, well who doesn’t, come on admit it. Taly started with winning Red Dwarf trivia twice in a row. Then was asked by KittyKat to host the next trivia. They had to drop the Red Dwarf trivia nights, because there where too little people who knew the show to put up a real fight for points. Taly was also working on the Yearbook team, being a member of two teams came with the stress of two teams. She had gotten special permission to be in two departments, and some how she managed. She became trivia reserve host for cases when trivia peep weren’t able to come. Then Lindax got a promotion and Taly found herself in the Team Leader spot for the yearbook. She had to learn tons of stuff but had help coming from all places, especially from Lindax. Later Zeddy took over the yearbook and Taly could devote all her time to being trivia Team Leader. Then some things changed at the top of Ent. and she became Assistant Manager and later Senior Manager. All went a little faster then she would have liked. Then Real Live needed more attention and she stepped down to a trivia peep and left all the big thins up to Dommy. Around October 2002 she also had to resign her post in trivia. A family crisis in March 2003 took away all the fun in talking online, till recently. Taly was born a trivia minion; her selective memory seemed to remember all the series info bits for the trivia’s. The things she liked best about her department work was giving out silly points and kind of explaining the reason for those points. The things she didn’t like to do where the monthly reports. Seems we still need to find the peep who likes to do those.

Taly has a nice box with all sorts of medals and awards from department awards, to annual awards, to runner up notes, to Outstanding Patron. She has plans to grab some new ones since she’s back!

If Taly would ever find a quiet moment then she would probably be looking at some fanfics and books, not able to choose which one to read first. Or watch anime, make sprites, play music, listen to music, all sounds very relaxing.

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