Most Wanted - Dead or Alive: Joshua T. Hall

Joshua lives in Berlin, Germany where he is in his last year of studying computer science at Freie Universität Berlin.

Josh saw the OTF light in late August 1997, guided there by TK who was guided to the place by Lorgar. He met the Admirals and he thought that those peep where very old and had long white beards.

His chosen affiliation is fantasy; he only calls it Lord of the Rings. He chooses this affiliation because he was the first White Wizard (Sector Commander) ever there. He recently change his choice of avatar for a RL picture, the avatars didn’t seem appropriate any more.

With all his OTF work Josh made it to Admiral, one of the fresh ones. He got his rank after having the following positions: Vice-Deputy, Deputy, and Head of Engineering, Member of InDev, Sector Commander of LOTR. Josh has a hard time remembering the dates and times, and he will try next time, definitely no Star Wars material. He likes his position as Chief Engineer: where he could encourage the newbies, sit down and make a difference. His InDev work was the best when they put something new up and every one went WOW. The bad side about all his work is the administrative stuff. Where have we heard that before... Josh likes his work, because he gets things done. And in OTF that means a lot of technical stuff on levels where not all people have the right clearance codes.

Josh has all sorts of awards, and is proud to have them all and get new ones. It never wears off: “cause for each one I remember what the work that led to it was about and how excited people at OTF got about it.”

If Josh would finally get threw all his to-do lists, and his computer would go into retirement he would like to go backpacking. Seems he knows about a world that lies outside the comp screen.

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