Interview with CL6 Dookie

Q1) You're sitting here in OTF a year from now celebrating what a great year it's been for you, what moment did you achieve greatness?:
Well I haven't been here for the whole year, I returned in January! I think my moment of greatness is reviving the OTF Twitter. We're up to date on what's going on and we're posting news and getting more Followers! Pssst... Follow us on Twitter @Outpost10F

Q2) Who is your role model at Outpost10F?:
I have several people who I'd say are role models. People who are all engaged and active in the community. It's hard to name just one.

Q3) What things do you not like to do, but have to?:
Clean the house.... bah!!

Q4) Tell me about a favorite project in real life or an accomplishment that you considered to be the most significant?: During my college studies in childhood education, I wrote a book for kids 4 to 6 years old. It's a story about a pirate kid named Franco and how you shouldn't judge people at face value.

Q5) What does a great day entail?:
Playing board games with friends or Dungeons & Dragons! That would be a lot of fun!!

Q6) Describe yourself in 5 words?:
Team worker, Good listener, Generous, Creative

Q7) Of the 5 words you placed in the previous question, define an example of yourself being that?:
I think I'm a good Team worker because I bring good ideas to the table and I listen to everyone's ideas and we come up with something great together.

Q8) What's your superpower, or what's your spirit animal?:
My superpower would be to control time. What I would do would be to freeze time and then I could live in that moment and catch up on some sleep or finish that video game I've been wanting to get on. Or jump through time and see what happened before.

Q9) If you could elect an OTF patron to lead your country who would they be and why?:
I would elect Andrew Maxwell as the President of the Federation... oops, that's too far ahead in the future. Well Andrew can be Prime Minister of Canada!! I think he has experience running things, so that would be good!!

Q10) If you were to encounter Iain on the street, what would take place?:
I don't know... I've never really met him, so I don't know him personally. If I was to recognize him I'd say hello. I'd be more likely to recognize Andrew Maxwell if I were to walk past him.

Q11) Favorite in-chat experience?:
I don't really have a favorite... I think when we can have a fun discussion about something that everyone is very passionate about that is a lot of fun.

Q12) What is your best memory of the previous year?:
Finding my old command code and discovering that it still works!! Was a lot of fun reconnecting with everyone!! Peeps have been super nice!

Q13) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:
Maybe still chatting in OTF?? I dunno, I've been here for a very long time, so It wouldn't be a stretch to think I might still hang out here maybe. Probably have a regular post at work and have a steady living that way. I'd like to think that I will become a decent Manga artist, as I'm currently learning that skill and having a lot of fun doing it.

Q14) If you could add any feature or function to the Outpost what would it be?:
Video chat avatars!! Tie-it into the computer's webcam and voilĂ , interactive chat avatars!!

Q15) Do you have a story to share?:
Like about OTF? Hmmm.... In the past year, I dunno.

Q16) Make up your own question and answer:
What is the coolest feature you recently discovered at OTF? I love that we h ave mobile chatrooms for your cellphone or tablet!! That's very handy for when I'm at work!!

Q17) Additional Comments:
I love how technology is branching the Outpost out more today, we have a Facebook page that is quite active, we have a Twitter page that is growing a lot, everyone is on Skype and Hangouts. Some peeps play Star Trek Online together and other games too. People are connecting in new ways and I love that.

Q18) Ideas for the 20th Anniversary Yearbook:
Video interviews!!! Skype chats!!