Welcome to the 2005-2006 OTF Yearbook!

Outpost10f.com, like any community, has gone through some changes in the past year. Old friends have returned, and some have left to focus on other endeavors. There has been technical improvements made site-wide with more planned in the future. Our departments continue to reinvent themselves by adding/removing projects, redesigning existing projects and processes, and providing the community with exciting contests, events, and by encouraging the community through teamwork and lifelong learning.

On a more personal note, I wish to issue a challenge to the OTF community: Have fun, and don't worry so much about the "work" aspect of this site. In the grand scheme of things is it really worth the time and energy to get upset about the small stuff? Use OTF as an escape from your day-to-day busy lives. Spend time with your online (and offline) friends and take time to make new friends at OTF. Promotions, ranks, awards, and all the bells and whistles are nice, but many of you express your feelings about OTF using the words, "friends", "community", "respect", and "acceptance". OTF claims that, "Space has no boundaries." So let's see if we can push past those boundaries that contain us, and have some fun doing it.

Thank you all! I wish you all the best for the coming year at OTF.

OTF Vice Commander

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