San Francisco, USA

On Saturday August 14 at 9:30am, Smile, TaCHyoN and Voyman pulled up to Sidne's place and knocked on the door. The four of them got into the car and drove off towards San Francisco, California. After surviving the slightly psychotic freeway known as 880, they got onto the even more psychotic freeway of 101. They soon discovered they had no idea how to get to Rictor's house, so Smile, being the ingenious woman she is, called him up and tried to ask for directions. She had to drive, so she handed the phone off to Sidne in the backseat. TaCHyoN, being the human GPS, told Sidne to ask Rictor for his address and they'd find him. So after that was done with, they needed to find their way over to 280. The Human GPS suggested a "shortcut" through Millbrae. Smile thought that they were looking for Rictor's house and kept asking which house was his. TaCHyoN explained that they were heading for the freeway. Voyman noted that "it's only a shortcut if it doesn't get us lost." After climbing up a hill for several hundred feet, (TaCHyoN's GPS claimed that it was 600, but then again, it also claimed they were in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean...hmmm) they found the onramp to 280. Voyman wondered who would put an onramp to a freeway at the top of the hill. Sidne answered his question with a simple answer..."Californians."

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