Cont. Brady

Agent: What planet do you think OTF orbits?
Suspect: 14. What planet do you think OTF orbits? Barzan something..

Agent: Describe OTF as a real place in your words (or what it would be like).
Suspect: I dunno, I suppose I imagine in as if it really were a space station and people just kinda bummed around the place... Like the schematics.

Agent: What celebrity/famous family should you belong to?
Suspect: errr.. the Royal Family of Britain for no particular reason.

Agent: What Sci-Fi technology do you wish you had?
Suspect: Transporters so I could just beam myself around the place.

Agent: Be your own Betazoid Gift Box: couple up two
Suspect: CT & JJ? Jon & Shellie? Robert & Honey? Andrew & Tanya? Glenn & Diane? Oh wait.... the box must've already done them... *blinks*

Agent: Which OTF member have you become pretty close to?
Suspect: wow, I dunno... I suppose there are a few people who I have worked with alot and who I am closer to than others, but no one person sticks out.

Agent: Instead of Captain Picard Day, who would there be a day for in OTF?
Suspect: Octavius Piraeus day because he's make believe just like Captain Picard!! =)

Agent: What specific store should be opened up on the Outpost?
Suspect: A store that sells peas and peanuts that are coated in candy..

Agent: What is your favorite piece of Henri merchandise?
Suspect: Well, seeing as how I wore them at that anniversary, the I LOVE HENRI stickers of course.

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