Cont. Jaden Korr

Agent: What planet do you think OTF orbits?
Suspect: Alderaan... and I have to say... I have a bad feeling about this *L*

Agent: Describe OTF as a real place in your words (or what it would be like).
Suspect: Some sort of vortex of interdimentinal portals??

Agent: What celebrity/famous family should you belong to?
Suspect: The Organa or maybe the Skywalker.... if more in the bast most definatly the Shan :k yeah I know I play to much SW games :p

Agent: What Sci-Fi technology do you wish you had?
Suspect: a lightsaber oh wait I already have one of those ok, ok it's only made in flash.... and cant arm anyone... cant do anycool with it... okok I want a real one now happy :p

Agent: Be your own Betazoid Gift Box: couple up two
Suspect: definitly Jayne and Vic, those two are made for each other *LOL*

Agent: Which OTF member have you become pretty close to?
Suspect: many over the years Glenn been the most obvious one *L*

Agent: Instead of Captain Picard Day, who would there be a day for in OTF?
Suspect: Jaden Korr day??:k hey I can dream right

Agent: What specific store should be opened up on the Outpost?
Suspect: a chocolat factory... *drools* hummm chocolat....

Agent: What is your favorite piece of Henri merchandise?
Suspect: the 20 + sticker he sent me of I love Henri *L*

Agent: If you were a piece of laundry, what would you be?
Suspect: no underware that's for sure.... probably a baseball cap... you can see everything from up there and you can get some sun

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