Most Wanted - Dead or Alive: Evil Incarnate

For those who don’t like to type that much it's E.I. He lives in the UK, England to be a little more precise.

Evil saw the OTF light on 4 September 1999 when Demon Slayer showed him the place. And it took him a long time to find the exit.

He chooses for a Star Wars affiliation even before the globalization, how ever, some traces of star trek might also be found in him.

His first memories of the chat, well Evil didn’t understand the ways of OTF. We trust that he honored his name till he found out how to get some pips, good lessons they where. He liked the place because of the theme, well we can’t blame him for that. Start to chat over Star Wars and then see where you end up. Without some guy spoiling all the fun, we call these kinds of people a lamer.

He found out that getting some extra pips had all to do with hard work and dedication. That it meant playing games well that’s was something extra. Evil set up the first CCC online clan for the game Jedi Knight, and after that success he found more multi player games and started more clans. He even suggested a gaming department for CCC. After gaming they took simming in their hands, and so was the Entertainment Department build. He became deputy head of Entertainment and wanting more he moved over to Sector Commander. Then his lifeline to the real world started tugging and his time online had to be cut short. The things he liked to do in entertainment was coming up with new ideas, and seeing those ideas worked out in a game, or sim event. The other side of the department work for him meant firing people. But if they didn’t do their part of the deal, there was nothing else they could expect. He also had his deal of people who shirked their responsibilities. And still complained for not getting a job. Evil tolled us before how he got his promotions, why should others have it easier.

Evil also has a few nice medals tucked safely away namely a gold and bronze select medal. It shows that he also must have done something to earn them. Some things might be more obvious then others.

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