Cont. Dominique

Some of you might wonder why you get a mess when you put a Dommy and a Dom in one room. The explanation might be simple, just bare with me here. Both people names are Dominique and used that to get an OTF handle. Both people like the color green, lucky for us it's a different color green. And no they are not twins, for those who might have wondered.

Dommy is a big lurker, going by the rule: if you don't know anything use full to say, then stay quiet. Ones poked however you might find yourself in a chat with no exit door. We asked him why he keeps coming back to OTF, Dommy went to a thinking mode. Something he doesn't seem to do often, because after a short moment, smoke seems to come from his ears and we moved on with the questions.

The best things OTF gave to Dommy was confidence and a RL self, what ever that might be. Must have something to do to the keep returning to OTF part. The best thing that happened to OTF must have been went the second version went up: more quality. The thing that changed the most in Dommy's eyes was the appeal, sad/happy, depends whom you ask and who wants to admit it.

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