Cont. CT

Comm Minion: What was your most embarrasing ISA moment?
Agent: Not having enough firepower to remove a couple of lamers in the early days in the CCC when I was Security Chief. Continuous shots with the L2 armory gets old after a while. That incident was quickly remedied though when D@emon of Q stormed in like Rambo without a jock strap and took care of things.

Comm Minion: Who was your favorite ISA director to work for?
Agent: All of them equally. Each ISA Director brought their own unique style and personality (some have multiple personalities) to this role and it has been a pleasure to work with all of them.

Comm Minion: Who is the most memorable lamer?
Agent: Too many to name. Look at the SOS/SOT list and pick one.

Comm Minion: Share with us an amusing anecdote from your ISA tenure.
Agent: There was a chatroom evacuation incident that I'm sure Jon will mention in his interview. I suppose a memorable time is when I had to get a new CL2 named Rocky to calm down and follow the Prime Directives in the CCC. Eventually he listened to me, improved his behaviour, and strived to join CCC Security. Now he is the ISA Director...funny how things work out. I hope I have been a capable mentor, friend, boss, and trusted advisor to the ISA Department, and I want to continue to serve with the ISA as long as I am active in OTF. I think Pace once told me, "We can take you out of the ISA, but you'll never be able to take the ISA out of you."

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