Cont. Summary of Last Year's Perfect Crimes:

Media Downloads has been the place to go to get ride of those boring walls, ceilings and ships. This is the place to go for your new doorbell ring or a new nametag on your apartment door. The place has been restocking all the time, and will probably keep doing that till the offers stop being creative and submitting their work here. There is no doubt that new section will be opened and filled with goodies. We wonder why they didn’t get this up sooner and would love to know when they will open the Christmas card section.

We have been able to get some OTF web space for quiet some time now. But this year they prizes went down all of a sudden. More people moved to the Outpost station, which still is a great place to live. Crime rate is at an all time low rate, medical staff didn’t have any important house calls. And Santa Clause does know how to get there. We still got plenty of room, in case you need a new place to stay and a new place for your mail.

There was a time that the OTF server was working and that OTF members visited it regularly. The temple was located in Vancouver and one of the priests there decided to let the people peek with the use of a web cam: the server web cam was born. And now every one knew when some one was working on new things. Till suddenly it all went silent. Rumor goes that the old priests have been replaced by a new order, which think that not all should be available to every one. From that point on the cam was no longer on day and night, but only to show that the priests actually performed their duties there. The search and investigation for the old priests will continue.

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