Cont. Crazy Texan

CT made it to Admiral; he went threw the Star Wars side of ISA, to find him in the big chair there. When he changed that to Deputy Sector Commander and Sector Commander chairs for Star Wars. When he had his eyes on the even bigger chair of Quadrant Commander. Occupying each chair for about a year. The things he likes to do are: processing requests for granting options in the Officer Management System, and helping people out with their suggestions, and minor issues. The things he liked less was when there where conflicts. While CT would like to see every one happy and playing together, he has learned that this can’t happen all the time. It is an obstacle, which he is still working to overcome. CT likes to work with the Administrations team, so he can keep an eye on the whole chat, well at least know what’s going on, on a day to day base. His department work has taught him to work in a team, and to put the needs of others before his own. He learned to be more accepting of others, be less judgmental, more patient, diplomatic, and has renewed my personal work ethic to achieve his goals. What he learned in real life he used online, and vice versa.

CT has several very shiny awards, many he has was surprised to get. Some of his awards are select medals, Lucas & Roddenberry Awards, and piles of trivia awards. All are as welcome as the other, but the team awards hold a special place for him. CT is both honored and blessed with the opportunity to work together with such outstanding people has where in his teams.

If CT finds a moment of free time he would like to finish a few books. Or learn more about HTML, Photoshop, coding, computer programming, etc... Or even see if he can still manage to draw or paint anything, which is an ancient hobby of his. To this day he regret not taking more art classes and learn to be more abstract than technical. We would like to say that one is never to old to learn new tricks.

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