Start Of Chat Transcript 3

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 01:45:35
Our largest celebration recently was the 20th.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 01:45:15
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:44:51
That is a shame brent. Especially for the a jubilee year.

Demon Slayer at 31.52.104 at 01:42:40
(=/\= Undercover at Conventions =/\=)
i even had an alarm, that i missed as mobile was off

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 01:42:31
We didn't give out the awards last year.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:42:07
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
then i didn't either, i couldn't remember

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 01:41:44
Doctor What: No we did not.

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:41:32
Brent: Did you have an award for the 25th last year?

Demon Slayer at 31.52.104 at 01:41:13
(=/\= Undercover at Conventions =/\=)
i'm only *looks at clock* 8hrs late

Demon Slayer at 31.52.104 at 01:40:22
(=/\= Undercover at Conventions =/\=)
ello all

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 01:40:17
hi Arwen

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:40:12
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
Brent: hi

Demon Slayer at 31.52.104 at 01:40:12
(=/\= Undercover at Conventions =/\=)
*wanders in wiping sleep from eyes*

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 01:40:07
hey DS

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 01:40:05
hi comics

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:40:05
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
yes i want to get on it

Commodore Demon Slayer has entered Ten Forward at 01:39:49 [UTC]

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:39:31
have you seen the lord of the rings show yet.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:37:12
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
two years i think

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:36:37
How long have you owned the car?

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:33:56
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
its had a lot of issues in the last few months

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:33:18
Oh maybe it is time for a newer car.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:31:44
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
its like 18 years old and maybe

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:31:11
maybe you could get a code cheeker? how old of a car is it.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:28:03
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
Honda Accord, went to turn it one to put gas in it, and the engine light started flashing

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:27:28
what kind of car do you have?

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:26:50
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
its going ok, car keeps breaking down

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:26:06
how is the job at ups doing?

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:24:14
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
youd have to ask

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:23:45
I might have but didn't stick around to get a the award.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:22:08
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:21:39
where you here for the 25th last year?

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:20:57
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
earlier today

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:20:10
When did you have the 26th anniversary award given to today.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:18:36
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:17:36
Lady Celebrian: Hey Sarah congrats on the award and promotion.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 01:16:10
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
i am

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:14:46
Anyone on now?

Junior Time Lord
Doctor What at 174.104.47 at 01:12:18

Junior Time Lord Doctor What has entered the B.A.R.D.I.S. at 01:10:44 [UTC]

Jon Waved goodbye at everyone. at 00:25:18 [UTC]

Civilian Roasted Star Wars Bird has timed out of Ten Forward at 23:53:01 [UTC]

Vice Admiral Hampster has timed out of Ten Forward at 23:52:01 [UTC]

Lieutenant Commander Robert Atkins has left Ten Forward at 23:47:14 [UTC]

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 23:47:06
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
well ended up timing out

Elven Smith Lady Celebrian has entered Minas Tirith at 23:46:54 [UTC]
Elven Smith Lady Celebrian has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!
Elven Smith Lady Celebrian has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Lieutenant Commander Robert Atkins has entered Ten Forward at 23:39:03 [UTC]
Lieutenant Commander Robert Atkins has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Elven Smith Lady Celebrian has been eaten by the Timeout-Balrog which dwells deep below Minas Tirith at 23:16:01 [UTC]

Commander Ice has left Ten Forward at 23:15:57 [UTC]

Resistance Hero Gaby has left Cloud City Cantina at 22:28:48 [UTC]

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 22:28:44
(I'ma lick it.....)
Off I go as well. Dinner time! See you folks on the flip side!

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 22:24:22
(I'ma lick it.....)
And real life claims us once again

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 22:17:00
great party, tanya, thanks for havin- oh

Queen of Winterfell Tanya has left King's Landing at 22:16:54 [UTC]

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 22:16:52
I better get rolling too, see ya

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 22:15:55
awww bye everyone

Admiral JJ has left Cloud City Cantina at 22:14:12 [UTC]

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 22:14:03
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Bye JJ!

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 22:13:54
*waves after CT and Iain*

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 22:13:51
(I'ma lick it.....)
Bye JJ!

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 22:13:40
bye JJ!

JJ at Home at 22:13:08
(Wherever you go, there you are...)
I've got to run too, see y'all around! ♥

Moff CT has left Cloud City Cantina at 22:12:50 [UTC]

CT at at 22:12:01
(somehow CT returned...)
"decades" You keep using that word, I do not think it means w
hat you think it means

CT at at 22:10:30
(somehow CT returned...)
Ice: Being young? It has indeed, and that ship is leaking, taking in water, creaking and cracking.

Ice at 92.237.223 at 22:09:54
(Cold as Ice)
CT: That ship sailed

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 22:09:53
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Bye CT!

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 22:09:44

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 22:09:38
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Good to see you Iain!

*waves after or something*

CT at at 22:09:34
(somehow CT returned...)
That's enough generational gap for one day. Need to go hunt and gather food.
At the grocery store.
Curbside pickup.
#Adultgoals. BBL or at least try to drop in more often while we're still young.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 22:09:33
I think Ghost will be number four or five, actually

Fleet Ensign n00b Iain has left Ten Forward at 22:09:26 [UTC]

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 22:09:21
(Grammar me hate...)
right, I am off! Great catching up with everyone, let's try to make it less than a decade before the next time *waves*

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 22:09:18
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
My next guess was going to be Ghost. I fail.

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 22:09:00
(I'ma lick it.....)
Ice: Me too. I've got 10 of 14 X-Wings....I'm hunting the final four

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 22:08:56
It'll be Blue October and their other two iterations

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 22:08:41
(I'ma lick it.....)

Add that to your playlist

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 22:08:40

Ice at 92.237.223 at 22:08:32
(Cold as Ice)
Gaby: My daughter has some lego star wars stuff a big xwing is her latest

CT at at 22:08:03
(somehow CT returned...)
Roasted Star Wars Bird: We all know it's probably something from Nickelback. *ducks*

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 22:07:49
actually...I'm on track to have zero Taylor Swift songs on my Spotify top 5 this year

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 22:07:41
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Whoah, I had forgotten about Bebo even.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 22:07:21
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
I know it's a Taylor Swift song

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 22:07:21
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
if my car decides to not break down for a firth time, i'm looking at getting one for cosplay and film

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 22:07:20
(Grammar me hate...)
Just wait until you hear about the demise of Bebo.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 22:07:07
without Myspace who will know what my favorite song is?

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 22:07:06
(I'ma lick it.....)
Also...on a note somewhat related to the SW conversation
Do any of you weirdos have old Star Wars LEGO ships?

CT at at 22:07:05
(somehow CT returned...)
JJ: Tom on Myspace is not our friend. I'm sorry.

Ice at 92.237.223 at 22:06:55
(Cold as Ice)
Where is tycho (thor) at, he was a pro 3d printer

JJ at Home at 22:06:26
(Wherever you go, there you are...)
There's no server? Next you'll tell me that MySpace is gone too!

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 22:06:21
(I'ma lick it.....)
I leave the 3D printing to the experts

Ice at 92.237.223 at 22:06:03
(Cold as Ice)
Lady Celebrian: Only a kiddy one but they dont count

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 22:05:57
(Grammar me hate...)
Lady Celebrian: Jon who is/was here has one!

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 22:05:38
(Grammar me hate...)
CT: It's a marketing buzzword - there are still servers, don't worry! (Also OTF doesn't use that model)

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 22:05:20
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
has anyone used a 3D printer before?

CT at at 22:03:56
(somehow CT returned...)
Iain: *mind blown* WHAAAAAAAAA?

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 22:03:37
(Grammar me hate...)
CT: Wait til I tell you about serverless.
(it is not serverless)

CT at at 22:02:25
(somehow CT returned...)
Iain: What is this dark sorcery you speak of?
Iain - "It's in the Cloud now."
"Heresy!" *grabs torches and pitchforks*

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 22:02:08
(I'ma lick it.....)
It's like old times

Marshal sweet baby jebus has timed out of Ten Forward at 22:02:01 [UTC]

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 22:02:01
(Grammar me hate...)
OTF: Where Time Stands Still

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 22:01:54
(Grammar me hate...)
but ditto, I need to head too - I've just realised I've been here for 5 hours straight

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 22:01:30

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 22:01:20
(Grammar me hate...)
CT: It's no longer a physical server - since 15 years ago!

Dark Jedi Master Gosling has left Cloud City Cantina at 22:01:10 [UTC]

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 22:00:57
(The one and only)
Catch you all soon

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 22:00:57
CT: yes, server room, server box, Iain's basement 🤷‍♀️

CT at at 22:00:52
(somehow CT returned...)
Take care Goose.

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 22:00:38
see ya Goose

CT at at 22:00:37
(somehow CT returned...)
Tell Andrew to kick the server under his desk again. Wait, that got moved to a server room a long time ago. Carry on.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 22:00:36
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
i'm just fustrated my car keeps having problems

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 22:00:32
(The one and only)
Ok peeps, time to go

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:59:26
you aren't actually spamming, we just slowed down for a min there

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:59:22
(I'ma lick it.....)
Children killed the chat

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:59:18
oh, oops?

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:59:08
ok, that killed the chat

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:56:36
I go to Life Time...which is already crowded AF. Super sets are just rude to the other people there.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:55:57
but yeah, basically

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:55:44
ugh, I hate super sets

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:55:31
(The one and only)
Brent: Probably have seen it but always skip over lobot lol

CT at at 21:55:09
(somehow CT returned...)
Keith be like, "if I take 40g of pre-workout an hour before lifting, I can increase my number of reps in my super set...then make sure I consume at least 180g of protein daily to max out my gains." *complex math person meme*

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:54:49
(Grammar me hate...)
"Brent" is short for "Be excellent", the more you know

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:54:18
Gosling: I added that message in 2018, so.

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:54:01
(The one and only)
Brent: I haven't been gone that long 🤣

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:53:53
I have spoken.

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:53:49
(I'ma lick it.....)
Not all of them are mine

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:53:44
(I'ma lick it.....)
I'm raising baby nerds

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:53:29
(The one and only)
Tanya: No way

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:53:22
I lift weights. I can't possibly be a nerd.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:53:20
Gosling: Yep.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:53:17
(Grammar me hate...)
CT almost made it a full hour without reverting to Gen Z

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:53:01
(The one and only)
Brent: That long

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:52:57
(Grammar me hate...)
Also the musical episode. So many songs stuck in my head

CT at at 21:52:50
(somehow CT returned...)
*looks at Keith being sus* uh huh...who's the nerd now?

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:52:42
no, Keith isn't

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:52:27
Gosling: is this our next chat addition? A Bill and Ted theme?

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:52:25
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Keith is secretly a nerd.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:52:23
Gosling: Has been for 5 years.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:52:14
(Grammar me hate...)
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter of what else isn't nerdy

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:52:10
(The one and only)
Lobot is now quoting Bill and Ted

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:52:02
(Grammar me hate...)
An impostor among us

OTF Queen SevenDiamonds has timed out of Ten Forward at 21:52:01 [UTC]

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:51:59
Star Trek isn't nerdy.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:51:51
(Grammar me hate...)
But wait, how would someone non-nerdy know about that episode?

CT at at 21:51:43
(somehow CT returned...)
Tried Discovery, went "nah" after the pilot.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:51:38
(Grammar me hate...)
The Crossover episode is my favourite!

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:51:36
died laughing.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:51:33
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:51:28
the crossover episode? OMG.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:51:23
(Grammar me hate...)
Ray: I am the Senate reading it that way

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:51:19
Strange New Worlds is just *chef's kiss*

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:51:08
(The one and only)
Isn't piracy what our generation does best?

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:51:03
you can skip Discovery to get into Strange New Worlds

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:50:55
(Grammar me hate...)
CT: You can skip Discovery. SNW is self-contained

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:50:53
(I'ma lick it.....)
I's possible you could use the Razor Crest & modify it into Serenity

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:50:51
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Iain: I mean, if you want to read it in that way, I won't stop you.

CT at at 21:50:46
(somehow CT returned...)
Do you have to watch all of ST: Discovery first to get into Strange New Worlds, or can it be skipped or will that make it more difficult to follow?

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:50:35
in the what voice?

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:50:33
Not a chance. Keith isn't that nerdy.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:50:21
(Grammar me hate...)
Is that in the "It's treason, then" voice?

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:50:15
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Firefly ♥

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:50:12
"It's Piracy, then"

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:50:05
(I'ma lick it.....)
That would have been EPIC....I need her too

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:49:59
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Right. So just Paramount then. I guess piracy it will have to be.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:49:45
I'm still salty that LEGO chose not to make a Serenity set.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:49:29
(Grammar me hate...)
"Not nerdy"

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:49:17
(I'ma lick it.....)
Because the 10 I have are clearly not enough

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:49:06
(I'ma lick it.....)
I need some Andor/Mando era LEGO X-Wings

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:49:05
There's just so much to watch

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:49:03
(Grammar me hate...)
Ray: It is of Paramount importance that you can find it

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:48:58
oh, yes, the Orville. that's not nerdy. I LOVED the Orville. All of it.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:48:41
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Iain: I shall see if it's available on one of my streaming platforms.

Ice at 92.237.223 at 21:48:35
(Cold as Ice)
Ray: Picard is good if you can push past the start of season 1

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:48:29
Ah, yeah. I need 3rd season of Orville too

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:48:23
(Grammar me hate...)
Ray: If you like The Orville, ignore all the rest of new Trek and go straight to Lower Decks

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:48:12
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
I really enjoyed the third season of the Orville.

JJ at Home at 21:48:08
(Wherever you go, there you are...)
Yes, Andor is great!

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:47:58
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
I've pretty much only watched the new Trek movies. I tried to watch Discovery but couldn't get into it.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:47:53
(Grammar me hate...)
CT: It's on my to-watch list!

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:47:52
(The one and only)
What's for breakfast? 🤔

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:47:46
I never saw that 3rd season of The Orville either
Andrew and I loved the first two but somehow lost our TV-watching-mojo

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:47:38
Actually I'm really far behind on Star Trek in general.

Ice at 92.237.223 at 21:47:37
(Cold as Ice)
I most gave up keeping up my star wars, my daughter tracks it all though

I just finished picard so onto strange new worlds next

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:47:28
I'm pretty far behind on the new Star Trek

CT at at 21:47:21
(somehow CT returned...)
Iain: Yes, watch Andor.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:47:14
(Grammar me hate...)
Also I am majorly looking forward to Lower Decks S4

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:47:11
best show so far

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:47:02
Andor is excellent!

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:47:00
I'm still on eps 1 of that one

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:46:52
(Grammar me hate...)
I should watch Andor. There is just so much Star Wars to keep up with now! And Star Trek

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:46:34
maybe I should make popcorn for the afternoon and watch?

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:46:31
only 2 episodes out so far

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:46:27
I haven't seen it either! I wanted to watch with my kids

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:46:19
(I'ma lick it.....)
I haven't watched Ahsoka we shall see

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:46:13
(Grammar me hate...)
Keith: This is good. Anyone who does get it has been irreparably damaged by computer networks.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:45:29

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:45:23
(Grammar me hate...)
Possibly as old as the one about the SQL query that came upto two tables in a bar, and asked to JOIN them

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:45:18
i don't get it

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:45:17
I've probably heard/seen it before, but still a good one.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:45:07
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
I like it

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:45:03
(Grammar me hate...)
Brent: I can't claim credit for it! It's a very old joke

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:44:55
Iain: Nice one.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:44:42
Taylor, Ray...just need one more to tie it all on it to the holy trinity.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:44:36
(Grammar me hate...)
Brent: A TCP packet walks into a bar and says, "I'd like a beer." The bartender replies, "You want a beer?" The TCP packet replies, "Yes, I'd like a beer.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:44:17
nice work Keith

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:43:53
Iain is just sending UDP packets now.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:43:50
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
CT: Very much praising, best show I've seen in a very long time.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:43:45
This is the Ray:

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:43:44
(Grammar me hate...)
wait, race condition

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:43:36
(Grammar me hate...)
is the This way

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:43:33
(I'ma lick it.....)
And StormPilot...

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:43:29
This is the way.

CT at at 21:43:25
(somehow CT returned...)
Ray: Are you praising or dismissing Andor?

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:43:21
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
This is the way

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:43:21
Iain: That's basically what I said. no it's not but whatever

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:43:16
(The one and only)
This is the way

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:43:15
(I'ma lick it.....)
I need a whole series on Black Squadron....more Poe....lots more Poe

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:43:05
Hobbie has caught a lot of blame today.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:43:01
(Grammar me hate...)
Brent: I blame the IPv6 designers. and also anyone who has ever so much as looked at a network. *eyeballs Hobbie*

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:42:40
Iain: I blame my ISP Hobbie for that, too.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:42:40
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
I'll still watch. For all their flaws, they still come up with shows like Andor.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:42:40
(Grammar me hate...)
Another gloriously well managed transition

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:42:19
(Grammar me hate...)
My favourite bit is that OTF has supported IPv6 for 13 years, there are 15 people in the chat, and... precisely one connected via IPv6.

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:42:15
(I'ma lick it.....)
I do know that Zahn was consulted closely for there's hope

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:41:54
It remains to be seen how much they actually listened to him.

CT at at 21:41:50
(somehow CT returned...)
Ray will stop watching Disney Star Wars, but like passing by a car wreck, you can't help but look. He'll shrug and come back around to it.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:41:48
Consulting with him is more than they've done so far, which is something I guess.

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:41:35
(The one and only)
Gaby: Kids are always starving

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:41:30
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: Tell them to order from the OTF Bar

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:41:26
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Consulted doesn't mean listened to...

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:41:23
or so the nerds in my office told me

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:41:17
my kids had kraft dinner 🙌

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:41:16
(I'ma lick it.....)
Goosey: Mine literally JUST walked it to declare they were starving

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:41:15
Kathleen Kennedy Hobbie, ofc

sweet baby jebus at the cutting edge of protobutt at 21:41:12
I enjoyed Force Leashed, but they were a lot more masks in that one.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:41:10
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:41:08
You know they literally consulted with Zahn when writing for Thrawn, yeah?

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:41:01
(Grammar me hate...)
If they mess him up, I have an idea of who to blame

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:40:52
(The one and only)
I should probably feeds kids soon

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:40:45
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Yes. And if they mess him up in live action I will have to do something drastic.

Like probably complain about it, possibly in here.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 21:40:40
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
Brent: yea as soon as i turned the car on it started flashing even though it was fine last night.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:40:40
(Grammar me hate...)
The crystalline entity is back!

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:40:33
Thrawn without Zahn is not the same.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:40:31
(Grammar me hate...)
entropy decreased to safe levels

Ice at 92.237.223 at 21:40:17
(Cold as Ice)
30min in the freezer does wonders for the molecular structure

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:40:10
Lady Celebrian: It could mean a number of things, but that's probably one of them.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:40:02
(Grammar me hate...)
I found Keith a Hello Kitty Cannon

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:39:56
(I'ma lick it.....)
Ray: I mean....yea....but at least there is Thrawn once more

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 21:39:56
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
a flashing engine light does mean that there is a engine misfire right?

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:39:55
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Tanya: I actually don't know

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:39:51

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:39:40
yes Keith

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:39:38
Ray: people still use the phone? What is she, elderly?

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:39:33
is hello kitty online canon

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:39:32
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Gaby: With alterations.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:39:28
(Grammar me hate...)
wb Ice Refrozen, no longer a puddle!

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:39:25
Force Unleashed was fun

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:39:21
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:39:19
(I'ma lick it.....)
Ray: Zahn is basically canon once again!

Ice at 92.237.223 at 21:39:15
(Cold as Ice)

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:39:15
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
A few of the video games also. Like Force Unleashed.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:39:10

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:39:10

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:39:04
(Grammar me hate...)
Somehow, "Somehow, Palpatine returned" is canon

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:38:55

Commander Ice has entered Ten Forward at 21:38:54 [UTC]
Commander Ice has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:38:49
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
The Zahn and X-Wings books will always be canon to me.

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:38:47
(I'ma lick it.....)
The LEGO in question was created by Disney

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:38:44
(Grammar me hate...)

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:38:39
(The one and only)
Canons are Lego stars

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:38:28
is LEGO Star Wars canon? But everything else pre-disney isn't?

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:38:26
I'm going to flit back and forth a bit, as I have a number of people to feed... the number will vary depending on how many have left and or returned.


Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:38:18
(Grammar me hate...)
Star Wars is canonically Lego, you say?

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:38:03
(I'ma lick it.....)
I mean....the LEGO Star Wars made it canon....but we need more

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:37:43
(I'ma lick it.....)
If I could have canonized StormPilot....I would be a very happy Star Wars fan

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:37:25
(Grammar me hate...)
RIP™ Freedom©

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:37:05
RIP Freedom™

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:37:01
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:36:55
RIP Freedom™

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:36:43
not an ounce of freedom™ has been spread since that fateful day

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:36:19

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:36:18
(Grammar me hate...)
Between the clues of "a bit Type A" and "she", I think I might have guessed the identify of the nameless person

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:36:09
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
I mean, they used to be on the phone for like 8 hours a day before he moved.

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:36:08

sweet baby jebus at the cutting edge of protobutt at 21:36:08
Rouge Squadron does excellent make up tutorials though.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 21:35:59
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
Tanya: yea this is the fourth time in less then two months. thanfully there is backup car i can use

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:35:56
Unless a professor gives extra credit. Then it needs to be perfection++

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:35:49
But as we all know, the perfect is the enemy of the good, so technically I think she's promoting evil.

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:35:41
Roasted Star Wars Bird: wowwww must be a serious relationship for that

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:35:32
(Grammar me hate...)
Jon: It is what it is.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:35:28
I know a guy who's an animator for Disney

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:35:25
(Grammar me hate...)
* at Keith*
RIP Thor

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:35:25
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Does he even game anymore?

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:35:22
Lady Celebrian: oh no?? too bad you can't just ride your horse everywhere

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:35:09
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: The last two CEOs of Walt Disney Studios have been called Bob

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:35:08
he moved to Denmark to be with his girlfriend and stopped sending memes. That's as good as dead.

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:35:04
Roasted Star Wars Bird: what !? what did he do

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 21:35:01
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
Tanya: well my car isn't working again this is getting fustrating

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:35:01
Iain: I believe the phrase used was something like "Perfection might be good enough"

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:34:48
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: That's 300% more Bobs than I was expecting

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:34:45
(The one and only)
Probably still celebrating his birthday

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:34:44
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Yes, what they said

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:34:41
well, dead to us at least

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:34:36

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:34:35
probably talking on the phone

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:34:27
wait where is Thor?

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:34:21
(Grammar me hate...)
Jon: "That's a semantically null sentence"?

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:34:17
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: Good Bob has returned.....Good Bob has vanquished Bad Bob the hater of Star Wars. So there's hope

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:34:03
we were honoring Thor


Fancy Stuff Gaby has timed out of Cloud City Cantina at 21:34:01 [UTC]

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:33:58
Somebody who shall remain nameless, who might be a little type-A .. is now complaining about the phrase "sometimes good enough is good enough"

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:33:55
I have little hope for Rogue Squadron since it will almost certainly not be based on the X-Wing books.

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:33:49
(The one and only)

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:33:44
(Grammar me hate...)

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:33:32
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:33:28
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: If the Enterpise-D can fly again, then everything is possible. That's my philosophy

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:33:27

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:33:15

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:33:07
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: Yes! Eventually....and we're still not giving up hope on Rogue Squadron

sweet baby jebus at the cutting edge of protobutt at 21:32:40
You can either enjoy the Wee Beasties, or the Weeb Easties, which is just people who like anime.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:32:32
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: I didn't know they were making a new trilogy!

Resistance Hero
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:32:22
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: I have hope in the new trilogy.
The first one is supposed to be the dawn of the Jedi, the second in the Mando era & the third with Rey reestablishing the Jedi in which I hold out hope that we will finally get StormPilot

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:32:22
(Grammar me hate...)
There is always an XKCD

Sometimes multiple

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:32:10
There's always an XKCD

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:32:09
Tanya: Science teacher.

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:32:08
Jon: *twitches*

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:32:01
(Grammar me hate...)
Jon: It'll be fixed when we get https support. *ahem*

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:31:46
Iain: Indeed. Sometimes good enough, is good enough.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:31:43
Ray: It was a great weekend though.

sweet baby jebus at the cutting edge of protobutt at 21:31:28
CT: Ugh, FINE! *doesn't*

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:31:28
Hampster: the Caesar pencil holder 😂 history teacher?

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:31:26
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Was quite a great weekend though.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:31:16
(Grammar me hate...)
Jon: Not even joking, that's from the twice-daily OTF server reboot that is basically this XKCD:

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:31:15
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Dammit Brent, I don't want to remember that.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:31:10
still powered by hope and good intentions.

Squadron Brevet Captain
Gaby at d264:eef0 at 21:31:03
(I'ma lick it.....)
Grr....I don't know why it keeps going dumb

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:30:57
the Wee Beasties are Ray's favorite band.

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:30:54
is it still powered by hand-crank?

Squadron Brevet Captain Gaby has entered Cloud City Cantina at 21:30:54 [UTC]
Squadron Brevet Captain Gaby has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:30:51
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Michiel, ♥

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:30:42
server's showing it's age again

sweet baby jebus at the cutting edge of protobutt at 21:30:41
Ray: Ardbeg Wee Beasty, so correct!

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:30:38
I was still on the server console, so I just saw :

"The system is going down for reboot NOW!"

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:30:36
(Grammar me hate...)
*kicks server* we're back baby

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:30:35
(The one and only)
Always expect the expected with me.

CT at at 21:28:58
(somehow CT returned...)
sweet baby jebus: Nope. You must read all 300+ posts.

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:28:50
I should do the math to see if I have been in here long enough today, to double my chat time for the past 10 years.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:28:48
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Actually, yes.

Whisky, peated, neat.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:28:46
ah crap you can't use that word here

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:28:41
(Grammar me hate...)
PV: Everyone's drinking Keith

sweet baby jebus at the cutting edge of protobutt at 21:28:40
k cool

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:28:36
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:28:31
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: Ooh, interesting - I wonder if they will do that crossover too!

sweet baby jebus at the cutting edge of protobutt at 21:28:29
I missed 300 posts, can someone summarize?

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:28:20
I mean, you're correct. That's on me.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 21:28:15
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
car is having an engine misfire again

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:28:14
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Goose is in chat. You should have expected it to go there.

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:28:08
(The one and only)
You kinda knew I'd go there

CT at at 21:28:00
(somehow CT returned...)
Roasted Star Wars Bird: and yet, here we are...again.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:27:55
(Grammar me hate...)
I was also unprepared. *grinds teeth in solidarity*

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:27:53
I did also once print a pencil holder for one of the kid's teachers.
It was Caeser... and you put the pencils in his back.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:27:46
(Grammar me hate...)
* at Keith*

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:27:41
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:27:36
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: According to my calculations....we need approximately a 6 year time jump for Din Djarin to meet teenage Poe

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:27:33
I wasn't prepared for where this joke evolved.

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:27:08
(The one and only)
I'd drink Kief.

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:26:59
(The one and only)
Brent: We got there eventually 🤣

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:26:54
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: I like that! I hope it becomes canon that they meet

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:26:39
Roasted Coffee Bird.

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:26:39
(I'ma lick it.....)
There's this one too

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:26:36
Yes I am.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:26:33

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:26:33
Keith is coffee, confirmed.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 21:26:33
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
well i'm back. much sooner then i had planed. my car is having issues again.

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:26:32
Jon: Totally acceptable use. We should make some this weekend!

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:26:23
(Grammar me hate...)
Roasted, then ground? What is Keith? Coffee?!

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:26:09
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: Wow, that's a very impressive drawing!

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:26:08
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:26:03
Gosling: Oh, I see. Yes.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:26:02
I mean

Elven Smith Lady Celebrian has entered Minas Tirith at 21:26:02 [UTC]
Elven Smith Lady Celebrian has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!
Elven Smith Lady Celebrian has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:25:59
ground me, daddy

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:25:51
(I'ma lick it.....)
Speaking of Pedro friend is awesome

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:25:44
(The one and only)
Brent: I know, now the grounding can start

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:25:35
(Grammar me hate...)
Jon: Good stuff - I'm a big fan of N95s & HEPA filters.

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:25:32
I did once print a cookie cutter, to get the right size mince pie circles.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:25:16
I'm still a kid anyway. I just do my own taxes and love a good beverage pairing.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:25:09
Gosling: I have one already, thanks.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:24:57
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Keith, damn right! *high five*

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:24:55
(The one and only)
Brent: Never too early to start

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:24:55
(Grammar me hate...)
* at CT*

OTF future: "Isn't it cool that we can get WiFi implants now?"

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:24:30
*high fives Ray* yeah! No kids club! at least none that we know of!

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:24:11
(The one and only)
Breakfast for me \o/

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:24:11
CT: Not a bad idea.
I might have to 3D print a monacle first.

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:24:07
Iain: Pretty much.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:24:06
those of us that have them, anyway

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:23:49
Alternatively, we've gone from being grounded ourselves to grounding our own children?

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:23:44
Also, progress.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:23:38
oof, CT, that hits too close to home

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:23:36
(Grammar me hate...)
Oh. I just thought Hobbie was having a very late breakfast. Blamed twice for this.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:23:36
CT: I'd say that's positive progress.

CT at at 21:23:20
(somehow CT returned...)
OTF then: "My parents grounded me again for bad grades, so I can't chat."

OTF now: "Three-finger pour of your finest whiskey my good man" *adjusts monocle*

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:23:19
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Good call.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:23:09
I'd blame Hobbie for it not being clear, though.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:23:04
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Iain, no, I meant for the Goose.

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:23:01
By the time I had everything configured, I printed 1. and then the group shut down production because N-95 masks started becoming available again.

We were using rubber window seal strips for the padding, and HEPA air filters for the filtrate medium.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:22:53
Iain: I believe he was talking to Goose

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:22:40
(Grammar me hate...)
Ray: "Breakfast" "UTC-4" riiiight

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:22:32
Also, this...

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:22:18
(Grammar me hate...)

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:22:16
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Iain, UTC-4 right now.

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:21:59
(The one and only)
Ray: Yessir

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:21:52
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
♥ Balvenie

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:21:50
(Grammar me hate...)
Ray: Which timezone are you in?!

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:21:44
Jon's solution for anything that breaks in this house is "Can I 3D print a fix for it?" or "Can I J-B Weld it?"

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:21:43
♥ Balvenie

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:21:31
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
I guess it is coming up on breakfast time over there.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:21:23
I do still have some of that Balvenie left

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:21:09
(The one and only)
Ray: Having bloody Mary's soon apparently

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:21:07
I won't even sip it, lemme just hold it to my nose so I can take in the aroma

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:21:05
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: I know! Star studded is an understatement

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:20:45
(I'ma lick it.....)
I'm getting BB-8 3D printed for my Jeep....

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:20:43
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Brent, it really does, I'm considering going to the liquor store.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:20:43
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: Wow, that's a long list...!

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:20:38
ugh, not drinking for six months. a heavily peated scotch, neat sounds so heavenly right now

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:20:19
A large number of my 3D printed items, were upgrades for the 3D printer.

I bought it early pandemic when a local group were 3D printing face masks for the local hospital staff

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:20:16
(The one and only)
CT: Always knew you were my spirit animal 🤣🤣

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:20:16
Ray, that does sound good.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:20:03
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Yes, neat. Whisky, scotch, preferably peated.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:20:03
(Grammar me hate...)
Keith: Baby Yoda

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:19:57
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: google the guest list for NYCC this year

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:19:34
oh it's a him? neat

CT at at 21:19:30
(somehow CT returned...)
Gosling: Ah, feed them sugar and send them on their way then?

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:19:17
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Keith, I'm sure your nerdy coworkers have mentioned him

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:19:10
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: Ooh, good selection!

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:18:51
(The one and only)
CT: The ex wife is picking them up so they need to be awake lol

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:18:39
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: Celebrities
October 2022: Oscar Issac, Brendan Fraiser, Brendan Wayne, Latif Crowder
February 2023: Oscar again & Rachel Brosnahan
June 2023: Hayden Christansen, Oscar & Rachel again, and Miriam Silverman
Jul 2023: Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghans, Miranda Otto, John Rhys Davis, Sala Baker, Craig Parker....

October of this year will be EPIC

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:18:26
he has his own 3D printer?

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:18:19
what's a grogu

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:18:17
Jon prints 3D parts...for his 3D printer. I also got a 3D printed rose once. Ah, geek love.

CT at at 21:17:44
(somehow CT returned...)
Goose: NEVER wake up the offspring. Let them sleep. It is better for all parties involved, unless you have to go somewhere and you're running late.

Elven Smith Lady Celebrian has left Minas Tirith at 21:17:43 [UTC]

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:17:41
(Grammar me hate...)
JJ: Mine too - I had to literally pause it to stop laughing

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:17:22
it really is

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:17:07
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
CT, I'd be okay with seeing more of that. New Republic incompetence is entertaining.

JJ at Home at 21:17:06
(Wherever you go, there you are...)
Iain: LOL! That's one of CT's favorite parts

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 21:16:55
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
ill be back i need to go and put gas in my car

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:16:47
(The one and only)
Gotta wake the kids up

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:16:37
(Grammar me hate...)
I want to get Grogu that "no" button back again, so he can keep pressing it and saying "no no no no no no"

Handmaiden Karen has left King's Landing at 21:16:27 [UTC]

Karen at 92.237.223 at 21:16:24
(The Family Historian)
Chat later lovelies

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:16:09
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
I don't dislike Grogu. He's cute and everything. I just don't find he adds all that much to the story, now that they've established that Gideon got his DNA for his whole cloning project.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:16:05
(Grammar me hate...)
Karen: Good catching up, speak later

CT at at 21:16:02
(somehow CT returned...)
Ray just wants to see more of the New Republic bumble their way through one mess up after another, admit it.

Karen at 92.237.223 at 21:15:56
(The Family Historian)
Well it has been lovely seeing ya all but I best head off - taking care of Montrose Museum tomorrow - on a Sunday of all days! Have a lovely day you lot

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:15:53
(Grammar me hate...)
Jon: Should have guessed you'd have a 3D printer! You can literally 3D print a copy of the save icon.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:15:28
(Grammar me hate...)
Can we compromise by putting Yoda ears onto Bo-Katan's helmet?

JJ at Home at 21:15:21
(Wherever you go, there you are...)
Ray: You... don't like Baby Yoda? Gasp!

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:15:12
+1 Bo-Katan

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:14:51
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Give me more Bo-Katan instead. Katee Sackhoff is the best.

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:14:51
I have a 3D model I printed of Grogu on my computer

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:14:21
(Grammar me hate...)
Although Luke cameo, strongly appreciated

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:14:14
(Grammar me hate...)
Ray: I watched that show for Grogu!

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:14:00
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
I was hoping Grogu was going to stay away and in training for the last season, actually. They already overused him in the first seasons, I'm not finding all that interesting beyond that.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:13:22
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: Celebrities or character names?

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:13:14
(I'ma lick it.....)
Remember...Good Bob has returned....Good Bob loves Star Wars.....we will get more Star Wars

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:13:04
was that a love-chain? ♥ ♥ ♥

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:13:04
(Grammar me hate...)
I just wanted to fit in

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:13:01
(Grammar me hate...)
I mean... ♥

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:12:49
(Grammar me hate...)
Ray: Baby Yoda spin-off show is needed & demanded!

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:12:47
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:12:47

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:12:44

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:12:36
kinda over this whole 8-10 episodes over 3-4 seasons malarkey.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:12:30
(Grammar me hate...)
My uncle used to have one of those cameras. It was more just unwieldy than heavy

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:12:17
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: I've got a rather extensive list in the last year

Jedi Knight Naberrie has left Cloud City Cantina at 21:12:01 [UTC]

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:11:54
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: You are now the local celebrity

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:11:52
Apparently it weighed 0.6kg

Civilian icecube has left Ten Forward at 21:11:52 [UTC]

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:11:48
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Didn't they say that the next season was likely the last one?

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 21:11:34
Good night and welterusten!

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:11:34
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: I'll see what I can do I can have a chat with Ewan McGregor about it in a few weeks

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:11:05
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: In any season of the Mandalorian.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:10:44
(Grammar me hate...)
Wilma: Oh yes, I've heard all about the sleep disruption! Great catching up today, good night Err, Welterusten maybe?! (I hope Google didn't fail me)

Clever Companion Ayanna has left the B.A.R.D.I.S. at 21:10:08 [UTC]

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:10:02
Hampster: thank you
that is WILD
I wonder if they were heavy

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:09:49
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: Might take me longer than that It's gotta go down the chain from me to my friend to her friend to Oscar and then to Pedro who then has to talk to Filoni

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:09:39
(The one and only)
Naberrie: Bai!

Karen at 92.237.223 at 21:09:30
(The Family Historian)
Naberrie: Enjoy your nap get a 'kip' in while you can!

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:09:16
Naberrie: night Wilma !

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:09:10
(Grammar me hate...)
Gaby: I will literally invent a new OTF award for you if you can get a character named "Graag gedaan" into the next season of the Mandalorian.

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:09:06
SevenDiamonds: okay !! I thought so I guess he isn't in our facebook group to know about today

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:09:05

They actually came out with one later on which took writable CDs

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 21:08:58
Usually I wouldnt be sad about this... but my baby went to sleep, and as he wakes several times a night, that's my cue to also go to sleep. Hopefully see you guys around before next year!

I enjoyed this evening... much like the old times!

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:08:46
Tanya: Parker - Steve

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 135.26.215 at 21:08:36
CT: It helps I live alone so can do whatever I want. Lol

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:08:21
who is the guy in the background there?

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:08:19
(Grammar me hate...)
Keith: Haters gonna hate

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:08:03
(I'ma lick it.....)
Iain: I can help with that I know someone who knows Pedro Pascal's boyfriend

CT at at 21:07:58
(somehow CT returned...)
See, Ayanna is all for the naps. We're old, we're tired, we need a nap.

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:07:50
(The one and only)

Karen at 92.237.223 at 21:07:45
(The Family Historian)
Cya later Ayanna. Have a good nap

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:07:32
(Grammar me hate...)
Wilma: brb, proposing that as the name of a Mandalorian

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 135.26.215 at 21:07:22
Gonna take a little nap might be back in later if people still around.

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 21:07:16
Now, with that mission complete...

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 21:07:04
Iain: Graag gedaan!

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:06:57
Hampster: literally though
a 3.5 inch floppy in a digital camera?? I never knew that existed

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:06:57
(Grammar me hate...)
I remember those cameras, those were all the rage back in the day! So convenient

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:06:40
D'aw, it's little me

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:06:33
(Grammar me hate...)
Wilma: You have basically verdubbeld my Dutch vocabulary in a single day. And they built some windmills not far from me. The takeover is right on schedule!

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:06:29
what is that, a daguerreotype??

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 21:06:03
I just found this gem.
Todd (Aquilla) had a Sony Mavica camera, which took 3.25" floppy disks for "Convenient" image storage and transfer.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:05:47
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
Yes! And that way Hobbie gets the blame, win-win.

Karen at 92.237.223 at 21:05:41
(The Family Historian)
*hangs up posters: Karen goes to CL5 before any other promos *

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 21:05:39
Brent: Precisely, silence is the worst thing.. (my eldest is almost 3!)

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:05:36
Ray, it's just going to be taylor swift avatars. you know this, I know this, we all know this.

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 21:05:27
Ray: we could "accidentally" click the promote button at the same time as each other
like we did with the awards

CT at at 21:05:25
(somehow CT returned...)
or rank of "Biggest T-Swift Fan"? "UberSwifty"?

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:05:22
(Grammar me hate...)
Keith: New Swift song: @Look what you made OTF do (Taylor's version)"

JJ at Home at 21:05:19
(Wherever you go, there you are...)
Ray: nobody needs to see that

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:04:58
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
I'm tempted to promote Keith to CL7, to see if he uses that as his avatar next.

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:04:50

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 21:04:41
Iain: Haha bit by bit the Dutch shall conquer!

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:04:37
(Grammar me hate...)
Shellie: *geeses* is the correct plural

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:04:15
or should I say *gooses* instead of *ducks*?

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:04:15

icecube at 92.237.223 at 21:04:09
(ice but cubier)
Here for another 18minutes, wait time for my WoW server

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:04:05
(Grammar me hate...)
*puts up a sign Keith4CL2*

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:03:55
(I'ma lick it.....)
Wilma: He does but his is still smol

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:03:51
Naberrie: I do, he's 2. No crying no problem. Silence is a problem.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:03:43
if I got demoted right it'd be so worth it.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:03:40
(Grammar me hate...)
Wilma: Oooh, I might just be able to remember that! So continues your multi-decade attempt to teach me Dutch by stealth.

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 21:03:30
Brent: Brent, do you have kids? No crying no problem...
No crying is very suspicious

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:03:05
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:03:03
(Grammar me hate...)
This is basically Keith's own Eras Tour

Civilian icecube has entered Ten Forward at 21:02:56 [UTC]
Civilian icecube has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:02:52

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 21:02:50
(The one and only)
Am I getting demoted because you want to see a roasted bird? 🤣

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:02:49
(I'ma lick it.....)
JJ: That's probably what it was

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:02:47
very on brand

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:02:45
(Grammar me hate...)

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:02:44

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:02:43

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:02:38

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 135.26.215 at 21:02:34
Gaby: Anyone wanna go to work for me tomorrow? I don’t wanna go

CT at at 21:02:29
(somehow CT returned...)
Roasted Star Wars Bird: Just messing with ya. Not much has changed.

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:02:28
(I'ma lick it.....)
California: Yup....I have no intention of investigating further

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 21:02:26
Iain: Verdubbeld. If you look closely, its a bit like the English word!

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:02:21
Classic Keith.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:01:59
ok, I got it.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:01:52
CT: that whole post took me on a very wild ride

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:01:48
(Grammar me hate...)
PURSF? Nah, CT was way catchier

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:01:41
no crying, no problem

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:01:37
Gaby: Ignorance is bliss.

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:01:21
(I'ma lick it.....)
I keep hearing running & thumping...and then the word oww.
But then no child comes downstairs crying I have no idea what's going on up there

CT at at 21:01:18
(somehow CT returned...)
Roasted Star Wars Bird: About the same. Legally changed my name to "Princess Unicorn Rainbow Sparkle Farts", moved to Oklahoma, became a tree-hugging vegetarian, swore off alcohol, and became an ultra-crazy political nutjob conspiracy theorist. So livin' the 'Merican dream.
Okay, all of that is fake news, but aside from melting in this heat, pretty dang good.

Elven Smith
Lady Celebrian at 71.195.255 at 21:01:09
(Flirtation my princess-Celebrian)
i probably should go and put some gas in my car it was acting like it was empty last night.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:01:07
(Grammar me hate...)
There's a lot of roast birds around these days

JJ at Home at 21:00:48
(Wherever you go, there you are...)
Gaby: We used to do that for special events, maybe that's what you remember.


Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 21:00:40
(Grammar me hate...)
Wilma: More extensive than my Dutch...! I don't know the Dutch word for doubled

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:00:30
ugh, I wasn't thinking of either of those

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:00:26
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
oh that reminds me

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 21:00:25
CT: Most days.

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 21:00:17
if it's not a picture of the roasted star wars bird you're doing it wrong Keith

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 21:00:16
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Spectre)
I vote for marquees

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 21:00:05
(I'ma lick it.....)
Maybe that's what it was I vaguely remember getting to play with HTML & having my own special avatar

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 21:00:00
need to make my traditional first HTML post, huh

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 20:59:57
that's true Brent

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 20:59:56
Iain: There must be! Alas, my German is not extensive enough

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 135.26.215 at 20:59:49
Brent: I remember I had to work my way back to where I’m at now I was demoted to lt or lt cndr can’t remember

Fleet Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 20:59:38
I think we did a thing where CL5 had HTML access for a short period, or as a reward or something.

Karen at 92.237.223 at 20:59:21
(The Family Historian)
I've never really been a cl worth demoting haha!

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 20:58:54
(I'ma lick it.....)
California: Maybe or maybe I don't remember

Karen at 92.237.223 at 20:58:50
(The Family Historian)
Naberrie: Just a little

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 20:58:45
are ranks now a "use it or lose it" type thing?

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 20:58:37
(Grammar me hate...)
Wilma: ... Fake news, C3PO is far more effeminate.

Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 20:58:31
I see no record of you getting demoted.

Risky Radical
Brent at blep at 20:58:23
Gaby: Maybe it was a temporary thing? Or on your birthday?

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 20:58:17
and you don't have one

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 135.26.215 at 20:58:17
Tanya: I was demoted onc now that I think on it when I abused my privileges it was when I was going through some stuff lol

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 20:58:13
Iain: I feel like there's a C3PO reference in here somewhere.. the ultimate middle-aged robot.

Karen at 92.237.223 at 20:58:06
(The Family Historian)
Ayanna: 39 on Jan the 8th ... Ice is 36 on the 31st of August ... I don't think I'll like A year and a half away he is gonna take the mic

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 20:58:05
Demotion CL6 CL4 Hongjun (CL9) 2006-03-06

Demotions are recorded

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 20:57:49
(Grammar me hate...)
JJ: Very wise, the links in this chatroom are dodgy at best

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 20:57:41
(I'ma lick it.....)
Tanya: I don't know We should ask Will

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 20:57:22
I see no record of troublemaking .. I don't know if there's a record of demotions, is there?

CT at at 20:56:57
(somehow CT returned...)
* @ Toddy* But you still love him anyway. As crazy as he makes you sometimes.

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 20:56:57
*clicks random link in chatroom*

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 135.26.215 at 20:56:56
Karen: I turn 45 in November lol

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 20:56:56
(I'ma lick it.....)
Tanya: Right? I vaguely remember being higher

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 20:56:55
(Grammar me hate...)
Wilma: There's probably a single word in German, though

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 20:56:50

I didnt think I was, but my statement about emoji was like yelling at kids to get off my lawn

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 20:56:50
CT: Hi!

Oh ya know, makin' a living...melting in the're you, bud?

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 20:56:39
RAGE is only CL5 too??

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 20:56:38
(I'ma lick it.....)
Tanya: I don't even remember if I did or not

JJ at Home at 20:56:14
(Wherever you go, there you are...)
I don't feel safe clicking that

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 20:56:08
Gaby: now I gotta look at that troublemaker record

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 20:56:05
(The one and only)
Hampster: So this now means you have to change everyone's tone to that noise, messages/emails on all devices

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 20:55:57
(Grammar me hate...)
Shellie: Please accept this video as an apology:

CT at at 20:55:52
(somehow CT returned...)
Keef: Hey! What have you been up to for the last oh...however long it's been?

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 20:55:45
Iain: I'm pretty sure the word for 32-fold increase is

32-fold increase

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 20:55:31
Ironically, If I get in trouble for using the noise..
I might have to say "Uh oh"

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 20:55:24
Iain: I don't like you anymore.

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 20:55:19
(Grammar me hate...)
CT: There's probably a configuration setting for that.

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 20:55:15
(I'ma lick it.....)
I miss my html privileges I guess I got demoted somewhere along the way

CT at at 20:54:52
(somehow CT returned...)
Now if Teams could adopt the ICQ sounds, that would make chatting at work semi-bearable, or drive me even closer to insanity.

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 20:54:47
last post to Ayanna, oopsies

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 20:54:46
(Grammar me hate...)
Shellie: Uh oh! Uh oh! Uh oh! Uh oh!

... also can I have his number please so I can blow up his phone with notifications, so we can get some stereo action for the uh-ohs?

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 20:54:46
I saw RK Wigal in the recent users I think?

Karen at 92.237.223 at 20:54:43
(The Family Historian)
Who wants to fess up to there age now?!

Dark Jedi Master
Gosling at Aussieland at 20:54:43
(The one and only)
Roasted Star Wars Bird: Too late for that

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 135.26.215 at 20:54:35
Tanya: Yes!!

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 20:54:24

Queen of Winterfell
Tanya at Winterfell at 20:54:22
Like this, Tanya?

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 135.26.215 at 20:54:13
Who is the oldest now that stil comes around?

OTF Queen
SevenDiamonds at home at 20:54:06
CT: He just said he was going to make it the notification sound on his phone.

*begins filing*

Fancy Stuff
Gaby at 96.255.174 at 20:54:01
(I'ma lick it.....)
They aren't all staying though I'm only going to keep 6...maybe 7

Fleet Ensign n00b
Iain at ISE HQ at 20:53:57
(Grammar me hate...)
Wilma: A middle-aged robot?! *senses a great disturbance in the Force* uh oh

Vice Admiral
Hampster at Home at 20:53:54
Shellie doesn't want me to make "Uh Oh" the notification sound on my phone...

Roasted Star Wars Bird at 173.174.108 at 20:53:48
nah, mate, not getting old. We're getting wise.

Jedi Knight
Naberrie at 80.56.22 at 20:53:26
Iain: Darn, busted.

I AM a robot

End Of Chat Transcript 3