Start Of Chat Transcript 1

Civilian TH1967 has entered Ten Forward at 00:51:41 [UTC]
Civilian TH1967 has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!

Lieutenant JG
Senses at 47.199.78 at 00:51:14
Hi all

Lieutenant JG Senses has entered Ten Forward at 00:50:55 [UTC]
Lieutenant JG Senses has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!

Lieutenant Commander Max Elbert Meier, III has left Ten Forward at 00:49:00 [UTC]

Lieutenant Commander
Max Elbert Meier, III at c948:cd9a at 00:48:47
(Cogito ergo nocet.)(Iainclaw)(Mobile)
I roll hoam. I has crazy idea to revamp a dead page, and I lack the skills.

Should be back in 20. Unless my tires go flat...

Lzrman at Space at 00:48:31
(The Holodeck) (ISA)
i closed the window damnit

CANADIAN MONEY IS FAKE MONEY at 718c:a969 at 00:48:30

Captain Lzrman has entered Ten Forward at 00:48:22 [UTC]
Captain Lzrman has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Lzrman at Space at 00:48:01
(The Holodeck)

Captain Lzrman has entered Ten Forward at 00:47:57 [UTC]
Captain Lzrman has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 00:47:48
(Something, something, Pumpkin Spice Latte.)
Keith is alright.

Tyler 'Brent' Shadow has moderately stunned (level 2) Captain Lzrman with a blaster at 00:47:41 [UTC]
the Shuttle Blep

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:47:39
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
You first, Lzr!

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 00:47:32
(Something, something, Pumpkin Spice Latte.)
Thanks guys! ♥

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:47:25
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yay Keith! \o/ ♥

Lzrman at Space at 00:47:24
Here's to Keith, and to hell with the rest of you?

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 00:47:17
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Keeeeeith! ♥

Jem'Hadar Second T'Pel Kestra has entered Ten Forward at 00:47:14 [UTC]
Jem'Hadar Second T'Pel Kestra has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 00:47:13
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
And the Vagenda! ♥ Thank-you, boss-ladies ♥

CANADIAN MONEY IS FAKE MONEY at 718c:a969 at 00:47:13
yay! go keith! we love you!

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:47:10
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yay Carol!! \o/ ♥

CANADIAN MONEY IS FAKE MONEY at 718c:a969 at 00:47:05

Lzrman at Space at 00:47:02
Here Here?

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 00:47:01
(Space For Rent)
thanks carol, and cograts

Jem'Hadar Second T'Pel Kestra has timed out of Ten Forward at 00:47:01 [UTC]

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 00:46:54
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Lzrman at Space at 00:46:52
Carol Rocks!!!!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 00:46:50
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Well done, Carol, our Beloved ♥

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 00:46:47
(Something, something, Pumpkin Spice Latte.)

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 00:46:47
incredible work, Carol ♥

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:46:43
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Here's to Tanya and Katrina!

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 00:46:35
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
By the way, all graphics, including announcements and Voting Booth prizes were done by Carol. *applauds*

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:46:33
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Thank you to everyone!!

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 00:46:24
I just want to say that I'm pleased as punch that this place has stayed so busy this whole year, with much thanks to the Bridge Crew as well, and that you all have come out to celebrate with us. Here's to another year of friendships and fun! can go about your lives now. ♥

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 00:46:05
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Thank you so much to the Bridge Crew for EVERYTHING! ♥

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 00:45:57
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Yes, thanks, all ♥

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 00:45:46
(Something, something, Pumpkin Spice Latte.)
Heres to the current bridge crew! You alllll dddiid good.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 00:45:12
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Without forgetting the rest of the Bridge for so willingly stepping up to help us organize all those events! *sends thanks, possibly whisky bottle-shaped*

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 00:44:52
(Space For Rent)
*gets some more load bearing beams and a wrench and a set of jaws of life*

Lieutenant Commander
Max Elbert Meier, III at c948:cd9a at 00:44:50
(Cogito ergo nocet.)(Iainclaw)(Mobile)
*summons minions with jacks to the rafters*

Lzrman at Space at 00:44:47
*it waves back*

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 00:44:35
(Something, something, Pumpkin Spice Latte.)
*reaches...too short... waves at the roof*

Lzrman at Space at 00:44:19
nice 24 foot ceilings are nice, we need a OTF Reno team to renovate

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 00:44:19
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Oh, rain

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:44:19
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
\o/ ♥

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:44:09
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
*raises the roof*

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 00:43:55
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
woohoo!! *claps* \o/

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 00:43:45
Hey you guys. It's been one killer weekend, eh? Can y'all raise the roof a little louder for our fabulous events team?

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 00:43:22
(Something, something, Pumpkin Spice Latte.)
AJ, I can do.

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 00:43:04
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Carol, can you tell Leslie I'll drop her an email tomorrow?

Lieutenant Commander
Max Elbert Meier, III at c948:cd9a at 00:42:48
(Cogito ergo nocet.)(Iainclaw)(Mobile)
(I seriously need a Pixel XL now... This 5" screen is awkward. )

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 00:41:53
(Something, something, Pumpkin Spice Latte.)
*applauds* yay anniversary! Yay holoducks! Yay! *waves flag*

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 00:41:52
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Where's that meeting taking place? I'm also interested.

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 00:41:51
(Space For Rent)

Lieutenant Commander
Max Elbert Meier, III at c948:cd9a at 00:41:44
(Cogito ergo nocet.)(Iainclaw)(Mobile)
*cheers with coffee from the rafters*

I had it transported up here, okay?

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:41:33
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
drinks and ping pong! I am so in for that.

Lzrman at Space at 00:41:31
Pheebes: I did that last night thought

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 00:41:30
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
*stands, applauds* Love you guys and gals ♥ Especially you

Lzrman at Space at 00:41:16
Keith: fake money ha! like trump

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 00:41:12
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Keith is brilliant.

Blood of the Dragon
i has the powah at 118.209.192 at 00:41:11
now let's all get drunk and play ping pong

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 00:41:07
(Space For Rent)
aaaand apparently i missed the end of everything. oops.

CANADIAN MONEY IS FAKE MONEY at 718c:a969 at 00:41:03
I am wonderful, it's true.

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 00:41:00
(Space For Rent)
i need to learn to make smaller cheeseburgers

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 00:40:43
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Well, before Katrina takes the mic, I would just like to thank everyone for participating in this year's events. I think we found some winners that we at the Holodeck plan to incorporate into our Events Team on a regular basis, and we are so pleased to see that this community is still going strong and can still have a blast together. ♥ You guys are all wonderful. Thank you!

Lzrman at Space at 00:40:38
Thanks Everyone for coming to the anniversary !! and those who put time in to make festivities happen

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 00:40:24
(Something, something, Pumpkin Spice Latte.)

no I won't

I aint bovvered.

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 00:40:12
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Thank-you, every one of you. I hope you enjoyed this weekends' festivities ♥ You guys are what make us brilliant

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:40:05
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Mexican Pesos are similar, I believe.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 00:40:05
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)

CANADIAN MONEY IS FAKE MONEY at 718c:a969 at 00:40:03

Civilian CANADIAN MONEY IS FAKE MONEY has entered Ten Forward at 00:40:01 [UTC]
Civilian CANADIAN MONEY IS FAKE MONEY has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 00:39:57
Navi: yes, it can.

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 00:39:57
(Something, something, Pumpkin Spice Latte.)
Finger slipped

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:39:55
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 00:39:51
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Canadian doesn't feel like real money. It's essentially made of plastic.

Carol has slashed (level 2) Civilian Brotein Shake with a lightsaber at 00:39:50 [UTC]

Brotein Shake at 718c:a969 at 00:39:41
don't be silly

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 00:39:34
(Something, something, Pumpkin Spice Latte.)
Canadian money is real money.

Blood of the Dragon
i has the powah at 118.209.192 at 00:39:30

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 00:39:26
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Extra impressive considering she couldn't enter half the competitions due to hosting them herself.

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 00:39:26
yaaaay Jessica! You're brilliant. ♥

Brotein Shake at 718c:a969 at 00:39:18
125.47 CAD?

Please, let's keep the conversions to real money, k?

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 00:39:14
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
...can it be groceries?

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 00:39:08
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Yay! That's AWESOME!

Lzrman at Space at 00:39:07
Guess Drinks are on Navi Tonight!!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 00:39:07
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
I'll contact all three in the coming days and make arrangements for the prizes ♥

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:39:04
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Also yay Jessica!

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 00:39:00
(Something, something, Pumpkin Spice Latte.)

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 00:38:59
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 00:38:53
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
nah, vee

Lzrman at Space at 00:38:53
75GBP = 96.44 USD = 125.47 CAD

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 00:38:49
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
I think my friend has just been insulted.

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 00:38:47
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Which leaves top spot, and going with it is a prize of £75. This year, we're pleased to announce that the biggest house point contributor is..... Navi! Congratulations to all three; thank-you all for making this anniversary amazing! *applauds*

End Of Chat Transcript 1