Start Of Chat Transcript 1

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:14:47
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Katrina, I'm used to it, apparently.

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:14:38
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Congrats, all

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:14:37
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
We have a very capable team consisting of Athos, Al, and JKAD working on them right now.

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 23:14:36
Adge: he's laughing at you

Elven Smith
Mela at 86.166.113 at 23:14:29

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 23:14:23
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Congrats Al!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:14:12
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Can't Athos help out or something?

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 23:14:11
Jade: yes, same one. *fistbumps him*

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:14:10
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
*waves at Al* Thank You!

Shaun at 65.255.189 at 23:14:10
*watches all the action*

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:14:10
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
That concludes this year's Voting Booth results! If you will please give us a few moments, we will have your House Cup totals and will commence with closing ceremonies!

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 23:14:08
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Congrats Carol!!

Crewman Raja Izzuddin Shah has timed out of Ten Forward at 23:14:02 [UTC]

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:13:59
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 23:13:58
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Pheebs: So they DID finally arrive?

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 23:13:54
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:13:53
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yes, Jade.

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 23:13:52
He says to tell y'all thank you but he's too busy contributing to be here

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 23:13:46
(Space For Rent)
...same Al, right?

Terence Trump D'Arboretum at the cutting edge of protobutt at 23:13:45

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 23:13:39
(Space For Rent)
alright Al! At, fistbump Al for me, mkay?

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:13:34
Thank goodness for Al! ♥

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:13:27
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Congrats, Al!

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:13:26
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yay JKAD Athos Alexis!

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 23:13:26
Congrats Al

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:13:24
I voted Al too

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 23:13:23
oh, yay! Congrats to him!

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at 67.176.69 at 23:13:20
congrats al

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:13:16
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
I voted JKAD

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:13:10
Andrew maxwell

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:13:06
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at 67.176.69 at 23:12:57

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:12:54
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:12:52
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at 67.176.69 at 23:12:51
not me again.

Soka at Endor at 23:12:47
Vic *nods*

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:12:33
we love carol! ♥

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:12:29
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Ray *nods*

Lieutenant JG
Senses at 47.199.78 at 23:12:26
Carol: Congrats!

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:12:17
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:12:12
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:12:03
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yay Carol! Yay Blue Report!

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at 67.176.69 at 23:12:02
congrats carol

Shaun at 65.255.189 at 23:12:01

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:11:54
Congrats Carol!!! #whoootfortwentyone

Terence Trump D'Arboretum at the cutting edge of protobutt at 23:11:44
Grats Crool!

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 23:11:41
Yay congrats carol!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:11:36
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Yay Carol

Guinan at Outpost 10F at 23:11:35
pheebe: Excuse me pheebe, here is one cup of coffee & *pheebs choice* Latte which Missy has ordered for you. I hope you enjoy it. #2469 / 67.176.69

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:11:33
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
oooh, good call ♥

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:11:30
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yay Carol! C

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:11:27
Pheebs: its got eggnog

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:11:23
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:11:18
lzr - i simultaneously love and hate you rn

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 23:11:15
Been focusing on weight loss

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:11:14
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:11:05
this one could go many ways

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:11:00

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 23:10:46
Not me I've slacked a lot this year

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:10:46
shakes - i have to wait for the electricians to finish in my place

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at 67.176.69 at 23:10:42
not me.

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 23:10:39
(Space For Rent)

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:10:34
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Brent? Or Katrina? M£ and/or ♥

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at 67.176.69 at 23:10:31
wb shaun

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 23:10:28
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Jade: Yes, there is a Shaker here

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 23:10:18
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Pheebs: Sings "So faaarrr away..."

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:10:16
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:10:12
the leader speaks!

Civilian Shaun has entered Ten Forward at 23:10:08 [UTC]
Civilian Shaun has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:10:00
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 23:09:58
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Thanks guys, but I'm really not that strong a leader. I just had/have a strong team to make me look good.

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:09:55
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Speaking to Carol.

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:09:51
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:09:46
no one will deliver me a latte

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:09:29
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 23:09:29
Congrats ray

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:09:14
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
I still have the burn marks from the wrestle.

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:09:11

Soka at Endor at 23:09:07
Ray: Congrats

Terence Trump D'Arboretum at the cutting edge of protobutt at 23:09:06

Elven Smith
Mela at 86.166.113 at 23:09:03
Well done Ray

Terence Trump D'Arboretum at the cutting edge of protobutt at 23:09:03

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at 67.176.69 at 23:08:52
congrats ray

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:08:47

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:08:45
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
YayRay! ♥ Congrats

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:08:43
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
yay Ray!

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 23:08:39
(Space For Rent)
boom caaallled itttt

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 23:08:38
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:08:34

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:08:26
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:08:12
Or bobbie

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:08:05

Soka at Endor at 23:07:55
Hello Raja

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:07:54
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Trufact - the "Strongest Leader" was determined by all Co-Managers having a Greco-Roman wrestle. It was amazing. Ray won.

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 23:07:51
(Space For Rent)
Hi Raja!

Lieutenant JG
Senses at 47.199.78 at 23:07:48

Raja Izzuddin Shah at 219.92.195 at 23:07:40
Hi there

Soka at Endor at 23:07:40
Yay, Hobbie

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 23:07:39
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 23:07:37
(Space For Rent)
Is there any question?

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 23:07:28
(Space For Rent)
Blame Hobbie.

Terence Trump D'Arboretum at the cutting edge of protobutt at 23:07:26
Ashley again.

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 23:07:16
(Space For Rent)
oh. right. There's an actual Shaker here. Oops.

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:07:14
Pheebes, we blame everythingo n her

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at 67.176.69 at 23:07:07
thanks lazybug

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:07:05

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:07:04

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:06:59
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Other Ray?

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:06:59
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:06:57
Raja, Welcome !

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:06:53
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Soka: That would be a bit premature then wouldn't it.

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:06:51
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

...also known as someone you can blame for everything...

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:06:48
wb Missy!

Crewman Raja Izzuddin Shah has entered Ten Forward at 23:06:48 [UTC]

Lieutenant Commander Missy has entered Ten Forward at 23:06:43 [UTC]
Lieutenant Commander Missy has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Soka at Endor at 23:06:31
Brent: Don't expect another promo next month though

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 23:06:29
(Space For Rent)

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 23:06:28
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Jade: *sits on*

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:06:27

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:06:26
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:06:24
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:06:15
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
*sheaths in AJ's*

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 23:06:07
(Space For Rent)
butt shaker

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 23:06:03
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
*praises some more*

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 23:06:02
Guessed right lol

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:05:55

Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:05:54
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 23:05:53
bad Brent

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:05:50
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Or in mine.

Fleet Admiral
Octavius Piraeus at Starfleet Command HQ at 23:05:50
(There Can Only be One Fleet Admiral)
Tyler 'Brent' Shadow: On behalf of all of us at Starfleet Command, I hearby promote you to the rank of Admiral! I salute you for all of your efforts.

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:05:44
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
If he can learn to keep it in his holster.

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:05:39

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:05:36
i can't have someone ubereats me a coffee can I?

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:05:36
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 23:05:32

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:05:31
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:05:27
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:04:56
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:04:56
Jade: 6pack? of budlight?

Uruk-Hai Berserker
Jade at 173.92.74 at 23:04:40
(Space For Rent)

Elven Smith Mela has entered Minas Tirith at 23:04:37 [UTC]
Elven Smith Mela has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 23:04:30
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
nrent is the best. free even.

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 23:04:16
Or Brent even lol

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:04:16
I love nrent

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:04:08
Ray: so true!

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 23:04:02
Nrent will be lol

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:04:01
the butt of all jokes

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:04:00
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 23:04:00
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
The one who shoots out all the competition, definitely.

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:03:59
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Ray is already an Admiral, yes.

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 23:03:54
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:03:54
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Rear Admiral, at least.

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:03:47
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Ray already IS an Admiral.

Cadet of Sanitation
Lzrman at Space at 23:03:42
that didn't work out ha

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:03:37
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Fleet Admiral
Octavius Piraeus at Starfleet Command HQ at 23:03:35
(There Can Only be One Fleet Admiral)
Lzrman: You ask for a promotion after keeping your personal quarters in such disarray? You are not living in your mom's basement anymore; this is my roof! Clean your space up and I might reconsider.

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 23:03:32
Congrats matt

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:03:30
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
I wonder who the NEXT ADMIRAL might be...?

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:03:30
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
or at least until next year?

Lzrman at Space at 23:03:29

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:03:26
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
I promise I'll keep my thermals put away until we're done.

Lzrman at Space at 23:03:21
drag out the anniversary for ever !

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 23:03:17
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Congrats Matt!!

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 23:03:11
oh that's good! Well done Matt!

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:03:06
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Or do we like the space to guess at winners?

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 23:03:02
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Well deserved that one

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:02:58
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yay Dr. Matt!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:02:57
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Congrats Matt!

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:02:46
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Next up is...MOST WELCOMING!

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:02:35
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Hey, you guys voted for me.

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 23:02:33
since she has a PC again.

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 23:02:16
I now pass images back to Jessica!

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 23:02:14
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
He got all the points in that one

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:02:07
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Lzrman at Space at 23:01:57
worse then wack-a-mole

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:01:48
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
In the Whack-a-Death-Eater alone

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 23:01:34
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Brent got us plenty of points, he's allowed to squander a few

Lzrman at Space at 23:00:57
Back again.....

Lzrman at Space at 23:00:27
Shakes: pitty shot

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 23:00:24
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Katrina: But she's back.

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 23:00:14
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 23:00:11
-10 points from Octavyan

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 23:00:10
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
There, warning issued

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 23:00:09
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 23:00:01
Brent: boo

Shaker has burned (level 1) Group Captain Brent with dragon's flame at 23:00:01 [UTC]

Civilian Navi has entered Ten Forward at 22:59:58 [UTC]
Civilian Navi has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!
home with Mini Navi

Missy has thwapped Group Captain Brent at 22:59:23 [UTC]

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:59:22
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 22:59:08
technically a warning, my bad

Group Captain Brent has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 22:59:06 [UTC]
Group Captain Brent has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!
Group Captain Brent has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!
the Shuttle Blep

Lieutenant JG
Senses at 47.199.78 at 22:59:04

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 22:58:52
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Pheeble aTemps has seared (level 2) Group Captain Brent with Rhaegal's flames at 22:58:47 [UTC]

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 22:58:44

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:58:44

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 22:58:41
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
♥ Pheebs!

Brotein Shake at 718c:a969 at 22:58:40

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:58:37
don't kick out the announcer, creep

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:58:30
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
or something

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:58:27
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Group Captain Brent has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 22:58:21 [UTC]
Group Captain Brent has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!
Group Captain Brent has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!
the Shuttle Blep

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 22:58:20
♥ shaker!

Dragon Rider
Shaker at some.where.there at 22:58:04
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Really, Katrina, you don't say

Soka has moderately stunned (level 2) Group Captain Brent with a blaster at 22:58:02 [UTC]

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:57:56
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Greedo sends his regards, Brent!

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:57:48
Congrats again!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 22:57:34
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
who is?

Lieutenant JG Senses has entered Ten Forward at 22:57:31 [UTC]
Lieutenant JG Senses has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 1.152.109 at 22:57:27

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:57:27
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 22:57:26
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)
Of course M£

Dragon Rider Shaker has entered King's Landing at 22:57:25 [UTC]
Dragon Rider Shaker has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Lzrman at Space at 22:57:23

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:57:20

Uruk-Hai Berserker Jade has entered Minas Tirith at 22:57:13 [UTC]
Uruk-Hai Berserker Jade has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Clever Companion Ayanna has entered the B.A.R.D.I.S. at 22:57:06 [UTC]
Clever Companion Ayanna has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:57:02
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Lieutenant JG Mercy has entered Ten Forward at 22:56:58 [UTC]
Lieutenant JG Mercy has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!

Blood of the Dragon mortally wounded has entered King's Landing at 22:56:50 [UTC]
Blood of the Dragon mortally wounded has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Supreme Dalek
Robert at Home at 22:56:49
How was I removed but still saw shaker's lol? like wtf

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:56:48
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )

Brotein Shake at 718c:a969 at 22:56:44

Terence Trump D'Arboretum at the cutting edge of protobutt at 22:56:44

Soka at Endor at 22:56:42
yub nub.

Lzrman at Space at 22:56:41

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 22:56:40
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)(Iainclaw)

Captain Lzrman has entered Ten Forward at 22:56:38 [UTC]
Captain Lzrman has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Smuggler Soka has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 22:56:38 [UTC]
Smuggler Soka has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

A tremor in the Force...
Starfighter Wing Commander Ray has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 22:56:37 [UTC]
Starfighter Wing Commander Ray has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!
Rogue Squadron HQ

Supreme Dalek Robert has entered the B.A.R.D.I.S. at 22:56:37 [UTC]
Supreme Dalek Robert has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Captain Terence Trump D'Arboretum has entered Ten Forward at 22:56:37 [UTC]
Captain Terence Trump D'Arboretum has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!
the cutting edge of protobutt

Elven Ranger Lady Arwen of Imladris has entered Minas Tirith at 22:56:36 [UTC]
Elven Ranger Lady Arwen of Imladris has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Group Captain Brent has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 22:56:34 [UTC]
Group Captain Brent has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!
Group Captain Brent has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!
the Shuttle Blep

A tremor in the Force...
Admiral Adge has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 22:56:34 [UTC]
Admiral Adge has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!
the Shuttle Bay

Civilian Brotein Shake has entered Ten Forward at 22:56:32 [UTC]
Civilian Brotein Shake has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Tyler 'Brent' Shadow has thrown a thermal detonator into the room. ALL OCCUPANTS HAVE BEEN BLOWN TO PIECES! at 22:56:24 [UTC]
the Shuttle Blep

Soka at Endor at 22:56:24
Greedo told me it's Brent.

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:56:23

Dragon Rider
Shaker at 72.160.86 at 22:56:22

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:56:19
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
I cannot recover from that.

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:56:17
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
That's fair.

Soka at Endor at 22:56:17

Group Captain Brent has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 22:56:13 [UTC]
Group Captain Brent has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!
Group Captain Brent has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!
the Shuttle Blep

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:56:10

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:56:08

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:56:07
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:56:06

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:56:02
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Lzrman has moderately stunned (level 2) Group Captain Brent with a phaser at 22:56:01 [UTC]

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:55:59
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
And this has been demonstrated EXTRAVAGANTLY today (sorry, Pheebs)... MOIST TRIGGER HAPPY!

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:55:58
Congrats moxhiel

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:55:52
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:55:36
depends, spontaneous in life or in chat... chat you take it

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:55:29
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:55:27
Katrina: Fair point

Soka at Endor at 22:55:27
or great two actually

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:55:22
Louis Magentaknuckle: potato and rice.

Lieutenant JG
Senses at 47.199.78 at 22:55:22
Yay Michiel

Soka at Endor at 22:55:19
great one

Dragon Rider
Shaker at 72.160.86 at 22:55:16
Congrats Chiel!!!

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:55:14
But thanks

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:55:12
Bjorn Borg is Your Father: isn't that what all our fathers do?

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:55:07
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yay michiel

Lzrman at Space at 22:55:04
Congrats Michiel!

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:55:02
Rayp, tnhat's just a bad brain, not spontaneity. :*

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:55:01
congrats michael

Dragon Rider
Shaker at 72.160.86 at 22:55:00

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:54:59
YAY2 Michiel

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:54:58
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )

Glory Hole Kif at 718c:a969 at 22:54:50
Justice is served.

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:54:48
Poor kid. His Father has turned him into a sexual innuendo.

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:54:47
called it!

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:54:35

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:54:30
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
i'm...spontaneous in when i decide to sneak in?

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:54:22
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
"it's easier if I don't think about it first", or what was it you said yesterday?

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:54:17
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:54:12
George, etc.

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:54:09
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:54:07
Too slow

Lzrman at Space at 22:54:01
AJ: Holiday one

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:54:00
Crap. Typo. Do your work, Tyl

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:54:00
modest too

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:53:58
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:53:58

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:53:52
Super taleented though.

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:53:44
I am not spontaneous at all.

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:53:41
I have a g/f? Don't tell the wife.

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:53:35
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
What Keith said

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:53:29
oh Talented. Point still stands.,

Lzrman at Space at 22:53:26
Aj not waht your g/f said

Glory Hole Kif at 718c:a969 at 22:53:22
If it's not Michiel I quit.

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:53:21

Dragon Rider
Shaker at 72.160.86 at 22:53:21
wut the phlem

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:53:17
I'm not creative. At all.

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:53:16
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:53:14
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Better be Michiel

Lzrman at Space at 22:53:07
its prob AJ

Elven Ranger
Lady Arwen of Imladris at 24.10.205 at 22:53:06
((Flirtation my princess))
yep not me and not me for any of them

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:53:05

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:52:57

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:52:57
that's gotta be michiel

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:52:57

Lzrman at Space at 22:52:55

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:52:54
not me & not me

Glory Hole Kif at 718c:a969 at 22:52:52

Civilian Glory Hole Kif has entered Ten Forward at 22:52:50 [UTC]
Civilian Glory Hole Kif has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Civilian #triggered has left Ten Forward at 22:52:42 [UTC]

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:52:41
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Next is another two-fer! MOST SPONTANEOUS and MOST TALENTED!

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:52:34
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )

Dragon Rider
Shaker at 72.160.86 at 22:52:32
Bjorn Borg is Your Father: Is that all?

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:52:31
That's why he's known as Glory Hole Kif.

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:52:27
"sucking up"

♥ Keith

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:52:27

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:52:25
Congrats keith! Again

#triggered at 718c:a969 at 22:52:22
like I do y- nope

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:52:13
Keith sucking up all the awards

Lzrman at Space at 22:52:07

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:52:04
tripple awards for keith

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:52:00
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
aaand Keith takes the lead.

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:51:59
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Moar Keith \o/

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:51:55

#triggered at 718c:a969 at 22:51:54

Captain Lzrman has entered Ten Forward at 22:51:54 [UTC]
Captain Lzrman has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Dragon Rider
Shaker at 72.160.86 at 22:51:51
Pheebs: I doubt the twitter usage will be as heavy

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:51:50
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
I kid.

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:51:48
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Would be him hands down otherwise

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:51:44

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:51:41
He's most something.

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:51:41
john isn't registered

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:51:39
Keith again?

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:51:38
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
John is unregistered

#triggered at 718c:a969 at 22:51:37
I would do a much better job than Dickweed Von Clounschtick.

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:51:29
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:51:29
is that wise?

Dragon Rider
Shaker at 72.160.86 at 22:51:16
Congrats Keith! I knew you had it in ya!

Keith for President

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:51:15
tight tights!

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:51:13
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
And for good measure, MOST SARCASTIC!

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:51:10
*lights keith up like a christmas tree*

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:51:09
Because, um...

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:51:06
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
oooh, three way tie now.

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:51:04
in tights? ♥

#triggered at 718c:a969 at 22:50:55
I just like to see "Keith is Brilliant" in lights.

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:50:52
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:50:49
Congrats Keith!

Dragon Rider
Shaker at 72.160.86 at 22:50:48
Awww drat. I missed a bunch of the awards being handed out!

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:50:47
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:50:46
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:50:46
Ray: this was unrelated to this conversation, he's just helping tally house points.

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:50:44
congrats keith

#triggered at 718c:a969 at 22:50:40
I'm so bad at this.

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:50:39
yeah boi!

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:50:28
well I don't even need to post it do I?

Elven Ranger
Lady Arwen of Imladris at 24.10.205 at 22:50:26
((Flirtation my princess))
yea ashley

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:50:21

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:50:20
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Katrina: Fair

#triggered at 718c:a969 at 22:50:16
nah, gonna be Ashley again.

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:50:02
*brought the room down*

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:50:01
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:50:00

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:49:55
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:49:55
Ignore my typos lol

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:49:53
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Dragon Rider
Shaker at 72.160.86 at 22:49:48
Lzrby: I know, you too!

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:49:45
michiel - strangely enough, he actually kinda fell in love with it

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:49:45
Ray: just so you know, just a minute ago he asked me "Ray is also known as....?"

Lzrman at Space at 22:49:42
Pheebs: or Z

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:49:41
Hey shakwr

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:49:37
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
pheeb, that would have been a good answer.

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:49:36

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:49:36
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Brent, oh

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:49:30
I hate you all

Lzrman at Space at 22:49:30
Shakes: ha! nice av

Dragon Rider
Shaker at 72.160.86 at 22:49:25

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:49:24
lzr - not to bring the room down, but I wanted to say Ruth

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:49:17
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Ray, distant relative or something.

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:49:14
Fleeb Explosive

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:49:14
Bjorn Borg is Your Father:

Dragon Rider
Shaker at 72.160.86 at 22:49:08

Lzrman at Space at 22:49:02
Pheebes: i wanted kapeka!

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:49:02
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Who's Athos? Is he a friend of JKAD???

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:49:00

Lzrman at Space at 22:48:55

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:48:54
yeah, i had a sentimental and sad one

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:48:53
hi shaker

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:48:42
naw, eaglie

Dragon Rider Shaker has entered King's Landing at 22:48:41 [UTC]
Dragon Rider Shaker has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:48:41
Don't start

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:48:41
You can only vote active members for most missed. So silly.

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:48:40
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
I couldn't find Athos on the list, either.

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:48:34
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
EagleBirdy !

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:48:29
michiel - when he was in Leiden, one of his colleagues couldn't get his head around "ned" so kept calling him "Nade"...

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:48:27

Lzrman at Space at 22:48:25

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:48:22
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Eagle ♥

#triggered at 718c:a969 at 22:48:22
swing and a miss

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:48:22
Oh, good one Eagle ♥

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:48:21
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Eagle ♥

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:48:17
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Soka at Endor at 22:48:13

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:48:13

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:48:10

#triggered at 718c:a969 at 22:48:00

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:47:56
Fleeb, no relation I am sure.

Elven Ranger
Lady Arwen of Imladris at 24.10.205 at 22:47:55
((Flirtation my princess))
Katrina: i may need a companion to go to nz with as if i dress up my dad isn't going with me

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:47:54
I'd go to Hawaii

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:47:47
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
And now the MOST MISSED OTFER FROM THE PAST, whom I am sad did not appear this year...

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:47:46
My poor bro

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:47:41
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
if Im going to NZ you're not getting me away from Super Rugby.

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:47:37
Yes, Ned

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:47:31
Brent, with us? Of course.

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:47:30
I think thew Scottish term for Chav is Ned, right? One of those.

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:47:25
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Let's go to Scotland and find out

Lieutenant JG
Senses at 47.199.78 at 22:47:23

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:47:23
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Michiel, perfect.

Lzrman at Space at 22:47:20
AJ: pants optional

Supreme Dalek
Robert at Home at 22:47:10
Oh we don't need that? *puts shirt back on*

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:47:07
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Enough time in Scotland, it'll probably happen, AJ.

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:47:02
Tyl, this was like 10 minutes after I walked into town.

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:47:00
I want to go to Australia someday may be lol

Elven Ranger
Lady Arwen of Imladris at 24.10.205 at 22:46:55
((Flirtation my princess))
oh my goodness i'm going to NZ i actually want to live there

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:46:52
See, that's what we need at OTF. Brofisting topless drunks.

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:46:40

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:46:35
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Michiel, good trip, then?

Elven Ranger
Lady Arwen of Imladris at 24.10.205 at 22:46:35
((Flirtation my princess))

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:46:35

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:46:19
I'mma go to New Zealand first though

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:46:14
congrats carol

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:46:14
When I went to Scotland, a shirtless man carrying a carton of wine fistbumped me and said "God bless you."

#triggered at 718c:a969 at 22:46:13
I recommend going to London first so that Ediburgh is 20 times more amazing.

Lzrman at Space at 22:46:13
... when Navi get's in a her last laugh!

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:46:10
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
And congrats loraC!

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:46:10
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yay Carol! C

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:46:04
Huzzah for Carol!

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:46:02
Yay carol!

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:46:01
Carol! ♥ Congrats ♥

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:45:59
I will have to get my ass in order for scotland 2020 now that i'm an instigator

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:45:58
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Everyone should love Pheebs

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:45:57
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Maybe we can meet up in London for a day then travel to Scotland!

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:45:55
will be cheaper, too. A lot cheaper. That's always a plus

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:45:50
d'awww ♥

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:45:34
Scotland it is

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:45:31
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Meetings! \o/

#triggered at 718c:a969 at 22:45:31
Scotland ♥

Lzrman at Space at 22:45:26
most loved w/ the back of a phaser right here

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:45:25
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Meetings \o/

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:45:25
not everyone loves the pheebs

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:45:10
see? scotland wins katrina... therefore scotland it is

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:45:10
Everyone loves Pheebs

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:45:09
not me

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:45:09
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Ray, that sounds like a deal.

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:45:05
Pheebs? ♥

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:45:01
Me! Lol

Captain Lzrman has entered Ten Forward at 22:44:57 [UTC]
Captain Lzrman has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:44:55
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
im good for both. probably. maybe.

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:44:55
I am more likely to go to Scotland

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:44:53

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:44:49
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
And now... MOST LOVED!

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:44:42

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:44:40
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
London with everyone followedby Scotland just for the whisky crowd?

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:44:38
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
with Alexis Athos JKAD her husband

Elven Ranger
Lady Arwen of Imladris at 24.10.205 at 22:44:28
((Flirtation my princess))
if i come it will be because i'm already there looking at horses

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:44:25
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Brent did attend many meetings this year...

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:44:22
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:44:16
Scotland is a good shout. Katrina can come home

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:44:07
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:44:00
not london 2020, scotland... for whisky

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:43:44
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Katrina, maybe so.

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:43:44
Xongrats Brent!

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:43:42

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:43:32
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
aaand we have a tie!

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:43:31
another award for shadow

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:43:31
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:43:31
Brentler! SO TRUE!

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:43:30
they clearly switched top geek and most likely to meet, bb

#triggered at 718c:a969 at 22:43:29
most likely to meat in real life AMIRITE

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:43:28
Yay Brent! M£ Congrats #London2020

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:43:20
oh c'mon

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:43:19
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Oh, me?

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:43:18
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:43:17

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:43:13

Jade Dagger has stabbed (level 2) Captain Lzrman with a sword at 22:43:09 [UTC]

Lzrman at Space at 22:42:59
i saw navi's post right after an exit post ha

Captain Lzrman has entered Ten Forward at 22:42:46 [UTC]
Captain Lzrman has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:42:44

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:42:38

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:42:36
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:42:36
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Andrew, there's even photographic evidence

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:42:28

Pheeble aTemps has seared (level 2) Captain Lzrman with Rhaegal's flames at 22:42:27 [UTC]

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:42:17
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Captain Lzrman has entered Ten Forward at 22:42:12 [UTC]
Captain Lzrman has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:42:10

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:42:10
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
bwahahaa not me

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:42:08
That's all I need behind you, Ray.

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:42:07
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Another commentary on George, I would imagine.

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:42:04
i read noodles

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:42:02
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
Brent: Goody! You shot him out! *throws confetti*

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:42:01
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Coming up next is MOST LIKELY TO MEET IRL!

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:42:00
Congrats lzrman

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:42:00
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:41:55
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
One second behind

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:41:54

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:41:45
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Jade, what do I win?

Supreme Dalek
Robert at Home at 22:41:42
Congrats Will! +)!

Tyler 'Brent' Shadow has moderately stunned (level 2) Captain Lzrman with a blaster at 22:41:40 [UTC]
the Shuttle Blep

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:41:38
Grats, Lzr +)!

Soka at Endor at 22:41:36
*shoots Lzr*

Supreme Dalek
Robert at Home at 22:41:35
Priscilla has more violent outbursts than me but she'll never admit to it or the fact it got passed on to the kids

This is a very "peaceful" home..

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:41:32

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:41:31
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
new contest, first one to shoot him out now gets goodies

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:41:31
congrats lzrbug

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:41:30

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:41:29

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:41:25
My mom say to tell everyone she asked me what I was laughing at lol

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:41:25
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:41:19
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:41:17
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
there were too many to choose from

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:41:13
no one's surprised here...

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:41:08
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Greedo ♥

Lzrman at Space at 22:41:07
soab! Lol

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:41:03
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
I tried to vote for Greedo. Apparently he's not an active member.

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:41:03
greedo wasn't an option

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:41:00
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
Greedo ♥

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:40:58

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:40:56

Soka at Endor at 22:40:53
yes, Greedo

Lzrman at Space at 22:40:50


Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:40:50

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:40:47
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )

Captain Lzrman has entered Ten Forward at 22:40:46 [UTC]
Captain Lzrman has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:40:46

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:40:44
Greedo? ♥

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:40:41
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Tyler 'Brent' Shadow has moderately stunned (level 2) Captain Lzrman with a blaster at 22:40:37 [UTC]
the Shuttle Blep

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 22:40:34
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
And now one which I'm sure will shock and awe everyone. MOST LIKELY TO BE SHOT OUT!

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:40:33
that's... violent

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:40:25
I read "Ray's" and was like, "Um "

Lieutenant JG
Senses at 47.199.78 at 22:40:24
Katrina: Congrats!

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:40:23

Lzrman at Space at 22:40:20

Supreme Dalek
Robert at Home at 22:40:18
*first aid kits

Supreme Dalek
Robert at Home at 22:40:08
I may need to invest in first aid kids for Isabel's rage.. David started to try and get a lightsaber battle going with 2 lightsabers, Isabel whips out Rey's lightsaber and clocks him across the face with the hilt. She may have mommy's temper..

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:40:05
Congrats Katrina!

Dean Winchester at 67.176.69 at 22:40:02
congrats katrina

Soka at Endor at 22:39:52
(that is to say, Congrats )

Elven Ranger
Lady Arwen of Imladris at 24.10.205 at 22:39:51
((Flirtation my princess))
i voted for Katrina for that one

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:39:46
I did not

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:39:39
thank you guys ♥

Soka at Endor at 22:39:38
you modified that yourself

Grinding Tapestry
Louis Magentaknuckle at Mauve Stool Rock at 22:39:37
More Yaytrina

Thunderous Chatter
Bjorn Borg is Your Father at 2.718 Maps Splitting at 22:39:34
Oh, yes! Definitely! Congrats, Katrina and thanks

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:39:32
huzzah for katrina!

Clever Companion
Ayanna at 66.116.31 at 22:39:31
I logged in once to look at list then forgot to go back and cast my votes lol

Soka at Endor at 22:39:29
fake news!

Jade at 173.92.74 at 22:39:27
(Space For Rent-Octavyan)
two for At!!

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:39:25
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
yay Katrina!

Blood of the Dragon
too early at 220.253.29 at 22:39:19
did p'murt win?

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 22:39:18
oh look

Lzrman at Space at 22:39:05

Starfighter Wing Commander
Ray at Rogue Squadron HQ at 22:39:04
("Two fighters against a star destroyer!") (Octavyan )
You all had to vote, now P'Murt will win

Group Captain
Brent at the Shuttle Blep at 22:38:58
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

End Of Chat Transcript 1