Start Of Chat Transcript 1

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 18:23:45
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
And extra special thanks to all of our fearless leaders for all departments. You are all fantastic!

Adge dances with Hologram Wicket at 18:23:45 [UTC]
the Shuttle Bay

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:23:38
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Applause and apple sauce for all!

Wicket at the Endor moon at 18:23:32
(Dance with me, yub yub!)
Congratulations to you humans, yub yub!

Vic Fontaine at Outpost 10F at 18:23:28
(Your friendly holographic messenger)
Everyone: Yes folks, I realize that I keep repeating myself - and it's Anniversary time already. I just get so nostalgic at times like this...

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:23:28
*claps until she can clap no more*

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:23:28
michiel - rice has a place, potato does not

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:23:26
*applauds Jessica*

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:23:26
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
I hate to run out on a Trivia, but I need to get some food I'll bbl

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 18:23:17
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Thank you, Tanya! And congratulations to everyone who earned awards and promotions! A wonderful round of applause to all of you!

Terence Trump D'Arby at the cutting edge of protobutt at 18:23:01
Hey Fleeb! Remember that chili/strew with potato in it? I ADDED RICE TO IT HAHA I AM A CRIMINAL

Vic Fontaine at Outpost 10F at 18:22:58
(Your friendly holographic messenger)
Everyone: The Zero Tolerance policy is in effect. If you are unsure what this means ; basically ; if you break a PD you may be immediately removed and/or banned. THIS counts as your warning. So play nice and have fun!

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:22:58
there's always time for trivia

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:22:52

Navitoes. The room is yours.
After we all grab a sandwich.

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:22:42
shakes - ALSO A LIE

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:22:34
(andrador) there still time for the trivia tho?

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:22:28
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:22:21
AJ - that's a lie...

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:22:14
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
mortally wounded: I apologize lacking-ly in advance for my contribution to your reporting inbox

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:22:08
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
I need to eat

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:22:02
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Shaker: *offers kleenex* I still have much to learn, kill the master I did not. Noob I am.

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:21:58

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:21:56
*sips* *weeps quietly*

Soka at Endor at 18:21:55
Thanks, Vic

Vic Fontaine at Outpost 10F at 18:21:29
(Your friendly holographic messenger)
Everyone: The 21st Anniversary is upon us! From now until the 26th! Enjoy the festivities everyone!

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:21:20
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Well, now that Carol is a Dark Jedi Knight, I'm going to have to find a new Apprentice....

My Carol....all grown up and stuff *sniffle*

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:21:18
For your recovery, madam.

Lzrman at Space at 18:21:17
we need a mail icon lol- its use i have no idea ha

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:21:12
katrina - I've set a blind spot in my brain

Wisdom Hallyne at Outpost 10F at 18:21:11
Katrina: Excuse me Katrina, here is one chalice of ginger grapefruit cocktail which Tanya has ordered for you. I hope you enjoy it. #3625 / Dragonstone

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:21:07
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
i'll eventually get html someday. *sigh*

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:21:07
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Katrina: I've missed it too ♥ ♥

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:20:46
mortally wounded: how's your mailbox looking?

Commander Mashed Potatoes 2.0 has left Classic Cloud City Cantina at 18:20:43 [UTC]

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:20:37
oh Carol how I've missed that

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:20:35
I did nothing *spirit fingers*

Lzrman at Space at 18:20:27
Ray, I hear Iain is the spycam!

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:20:23
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Katrina ♥

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:20:14
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
I've had it for a while Lzr

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:20:14
Carol's had html for a bit now

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:20:13
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Congrats EVERYONE!!!

Lzrman at Space at 18:20:03
carol's got html! oh no!

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:20:01
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
Alright, I've slacked in my studying for too long.. I need to go study, so that I can make cinnamon buns later.. Bye everyone! And congrats to people!

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 18:19:58
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Congratulations everyone!

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:19:52
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Cheers Brent!

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:19:50
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
oo dats big

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:19:50
congratulations, peeps!

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:19:45

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:19:40
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
CONGRaaats everyone! Jobs well done! And such! ♥

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:19:26
(andrador) ...I think so?

Terence Trump D'Arby at the cutting edge of protobutt at 18:19:12
Arer those amazing new Wookie Pips in the system yet?

Lzrman at Space at 18:19:11
Tanya: everyone looks sparkly!

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:19:09
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
Congrats evertyone!

Group Captain Brent has left Classic Cloud City Cantina at 18:19:08 [UTC]

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:19:07
Robert: ♥ thanks

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:19:06
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
If he ever logs out, the Top Geek listing for spycam time will possibly break

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:19:01
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Congratulations to all ♥

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:18:53
Brent: ♥ safe flight bb

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:18:51
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Bye, Brent!

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:18:51
That's it, people, *opens empty riker mount*

We're all out of promotions and awards.

You all look very sparkly.

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:18:50
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)

Lzrman at Space at 18:18:49
Katrina: lol I know its killing me slowly! lol

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:18:46
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Iain is permanently in the spycam.

Group Captain
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:18:42
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Alright, time to head off to the airport. See you guys later tonight! I may join via mobile later.

You all are the best ♥ ♥ ♥

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:18:32
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Vic Fontaine: bb go get yourself a coffee, a strong one

Robert at Home at 18:18:24
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Tanya - I'm on it

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:18:21
Lzrman: lzr, I haven't changed that just to bug you.

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:18:12
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Robert: It's all that reflective window sticker-ing... we sell it at Lowes

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:18:12
Can someone tell Vic that we're at the Anniversary RIGHT NOW?

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:18:05
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
also it's pretty much usually me in the spycam these days

Robert at Home at 18:17:41
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
I can't even see into the spycam wtf

Lzrman at Space at 18:17:32
Al: =P
© Outpost 10F ( 1997 - 2017. All rights reserved.

Robert at Home at 18:17:20
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Mr Thom is "at work". lol

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:17:17
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)

Robert at Home at 18:16:58
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
omg shaker

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:16:53
Shaker: shhh, you're not supposed to know about Thom in the spycam

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:16:53
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
Tanya -

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:16:44
I'mma cry

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:16:39
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Mashed Potatoes 2.0: Abolish peeping Thoms?

Terence Trump D'Arby at the cutting edge of protobutt at 18:16:34
Tato, specific grooming patterns.

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:16:32
Mashed Potatoes 2.0: Who wears the leaves?

Who wears the mashed potatoes?

Lzrman at Space at 18:16:22
Ray: shorts are #1 in hot weather

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:16:17
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:16:16
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
What do nudists do..?

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:16:11
I ♥ anniversary

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:16:06
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:16:06
c'mon Andrew get with the times

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:16:03
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:15:54
Or in my case, who wears the capris?

Where your capris at, Maxwell

Soka at Endor at 18:15:53
The scots.

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:15:52
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Katrina: I thought it was called a kilt

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:15:50
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
I find wearing shorts is more convenient than pants in California...

Robert at Home at 18:15:50
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:15:41

is the new who wears the pants.

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:15:25
I'm wearing a skirt.

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:15:17
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Well, we now know who wears the pants....

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:15:15

Ever-Present Companion
Al at 162.207.201 at 18:15:15
Katrina: At Emma

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:15:08
where's my shiny duskull tho

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:15:04
soka - thanks!

Ever-Present Companion
Al at 162.207.201 at 18:14:53
All just because I've been slacking off and she's been doing all the work, man life's not fair

Lzrman at Space at 18:14:37
Robert: Yup, lots of yard work for Al in his future.

Robert at Home at 18:14:20
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Katrina outranking AL

There's going to be some changes around here

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:14:18
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Deserved ♥

Soka at Endor at 18:14:18
Pheebs: Yep, congrats on that Bronze Select

Lzrman at Space at 18:14:16
Al, your wife never outranks you just get her to do the laundry today

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:14:08
Al: Sorry Alexis, she outranks you now

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:14:06
I'm a bit stunned.

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:13:59
Al: I did a thing

Ever-Present Companion
Al at 162.207.201 at 18:13:57
You outrank me now

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:13:56
oh my that is an award thanks all

Ever-Present Companion
Al at 162.207.201 at 18:13:46
Oh wow. Congrats Katrina! That's amazing.

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:13:45
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
I r smrt sumtimes

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:13:42
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Thor's just missing the OTF anniversary one at this point.

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:13:35
Carol is so good at math.

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:13:24
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)
Congratulations Katrina!

Lzrman at Space at 18:13:23
Thor: you cleaning up the icons today!

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:13:22
huzzah for Thor!

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:13:16
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Or a #10 in binary

Robert at Home at 18:13:15
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
I feel like some was skipped but some were spoiled.. lol

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:13:06
huzzah for Katrina!

Major and Birthday Peep
Tycho at at at at at at at at at 18:13:05
Thanks and congrats everyone else!

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:13:03
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Does that make Katrina a #2?

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:12:57
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Congrats Katrina!!!

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:12:49
It's like you're #1.


Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:12:43
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
mortally wounded: Congrats

Blood of the Dragon
mortally wounded at 118.209.120 at 18:12:42
hello all seems appropriate

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:12:42
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Lady Chancellor. Ooh-la-la

Lzrman at Space at 18:12:41

Congrats Katrina!!!!

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:12:40
Katrina: I know. All those ones. They make my head spin.

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:12:37
thank you

Lady Chancellor
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:12:28
oh dear. that says 11now

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:12:26
This place has been missing a CL11 ever since Iain became a Fleet Admiral.

Now all those glorious CL11 ranks we wrote will get used

Congratulations and well earned, madam.

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 18:12:18
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Yay Katrina!!

Terence Trump D'Arby at the cutting edge of protobutt at 18:12:09
Yaytrina some more!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:12:02
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Yay Katrina! ♥ Well deserved, boss ♥

Lzrman at Space at 18:11:59
First time i've seen a fleet admiral shoot out a admiral

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:11:58
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
congrats katrina

Robert at Home at 18:11:58
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Congrats Katrina!

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:11:55
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
Congrats Katrina!

Robert at Home at 18:11:51
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Thom just hit me up saying "I did a thingy!"

Group Captain
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:11:49
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Congrats Katrina!!

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:11:46
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)

Group Captain
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:11:45
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:11:43
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Congrats Katrina!

Lzrman at Space at 18:11:37

Blood of the Dragon mortally wounded has entered King's Landing at 18:11:30 [UTC]
Blood of the Dragon mortally wounded has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Tanya has seared (level 2) Lady Castellan Katrina with Rhaegal's flames at 18:11:28 [UTC]

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:11:19
Well, to add to your confusion...

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:11:16
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
Shouldn't it be Ninja?

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:11:10
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Much love

Robert at Home at 18:11:08
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)

Lady Castellan
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:11:04
Taenerys: not often.

Lzrman at Space at 18:10:59
Tanya: Her rank is Cookies

Group Captain
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:10:57
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
♥ ♥

Shaker has slashed (level 2) Blood of the Dragon sleep is for the weak with a lightsaber at 18:10:57 [UTC]

Group Captain Brent has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 18:10:52 [UTC]
Group Captain Brent has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!
Group Captain Brent has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Terence Trump D'Arby at the cutting edge of protobutt at 18:10:51
The sound of incoming armory reports woke her up.

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:10:43
Katrina, what's your rank these days? Do you remember?

Robert at Home at 18:10:41
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:10:41
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)

Group Captain Brent has left Classic Cloud City Cantina at 18:10:36 [UTC]

Group Captain
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:10:33
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Lady Castellan
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:10:28
Brent: the Aeryn one is on the special login

Lzrman at Space at 18:10:22
Ray, no the pepsi did

Terence Trump D'Arby at the cutting edge of protobutt at 18:10:21
The Fleeb awakens! Gongrats!

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:10:19
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
hi pheeb, congrats on your award

Robert at Home at 18:10:17
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Pheebz! With an exploding inbox! Congrats! Also, I didn't do it.

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:10:15
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Very well deserved, Thor and Brent ♥

Pheebs! Congrats! ♥ VERY well deserved ♥

Group Captain
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:10:12
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yeah, no custom av yet. I'll gave to find it when I get home.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:10:11
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Did the armory reports wake you up?

Lady Castellan
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:10:11
there she is! I did give it to her! Hi Phoebe

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:10:11
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 18:10:10
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Yay congratulations Pheebs! ♥

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:10:04
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)

Lzrman at Space at 18:10:02
He had to find the old one not that hard ha

Group Captain
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:10:01
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
pheebs! ♥

Blood of the Dragon
sleep is for the weak at 118.209.120 at 18:10:01

Blood of the Dragon sleep is for the weak has entered King's Landing at 18:09:55 [UTC]
Blood of the Dragon sleep is for the weak has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:09:48
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
And not even a custom avy yet

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:09:43
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Well earned Brent!

Group Captain
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:09:35
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Robert at Home at 18:09:34
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Tyler - Congrats! Well deserved! I won't lie I've been nudging folks about your promo since last year

Group Captain Brent has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 18:09:29 [UTC]
Group Captain Brent has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!
Group Captain Brent has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:09:22
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)
Congratulations Brent!

Lzrman at Space at 18:09:18
Congrats Brent

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:09:17
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:09:12
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
congrats shadow

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:09:10
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:09:06
*that's not a thing

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 18:09:06
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Lzrman has moderately stunned (level 2) Group Captain Brent with a phaser at 18:09:04 [UTC]

Ever-Present Companion
Al at 162.207.201 at 18:08:59
Katrina: It's okay it's your first day.

Group Captain
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:08:58
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:08:57
Commodore Thor was our next promotion... CONGRATS

You also earned Senior Officer of the Month

and probably Birthday of the Month too.

Group Captain Brent has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 18:08:54 [UTC]
Group Captain Brent has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!
Group Captain Brent has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Lzrman at Space at 18:08:54
waits *

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:08:53
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)

Lady Castellan
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:08:43
I literally just pressed the button one second ago.

Soka at Endor at 18:08:41
Teicho: Congrats!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:08:37
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
♥ this place

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:08:33
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:08:32
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
congrats Thor

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:08:27
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
Wow Tycho lol Congrats!

Lady Castellan
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:08:24
oh for god's sake

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:08:15
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Way to mic drop your arrival!

Terence Trump D'Arby at the cutting edge of protobutt at 18:08:14
Thor is now a paragraph

Lady Castellan
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:08:12

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:08:11
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)
Congratulations Tycho!

Major and Birthday Peep
Tycho at at at at at at at at at 18:08:08
Oh my

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:08:06
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
CommoThor ♥

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 18:08:04
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
Yay Thor! All preemptive and crap!

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:08:01
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Um, Congrats THOR! YAY!!!

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:08:00
Spoilers, people.

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:07:59
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Tycho: Grats!!!

Robert at Home at 18:07:57
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Jeez Thor

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:07:56
You're not Brent!

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:07:52
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Congrats Thor!

Major and Birthday Peep Tycho has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 18:07:43 [UTC]
Major and Birthday Peep Tycho has been promoted in the past week! Congratulations!
Major and Birthday Peep Tycho has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!
Major and Birthday Peep Tycho is celebrating a birthday today! Congratulations!
at at at at at at at

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:07:37
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
man. Pheebs' gonna need a lot of tylenol when she see's her email box.

Soka at Endor at 18:07:35
Prayse Whiskey

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:07:33

Now wait while he finds that custom av he's been waiting to use since 15 years ago.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:07:30
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
I hope so too.

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:07:23
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
I hope he consented first

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 18:07:19
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)
With varying pitch!

Lady Castellan
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 18:07:17
boo I missed this time

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:07:14
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
I praysed him with my blaster.

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:07:08
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)

Terence Trump D'Arby at the cutting edge of protobutt at 18:07:07

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:07:05
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:07:01
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)

Ever-Present Companion
Al at 162.207.201 at 18:07:01
Thanks all! And congrats Michiel!

Ray has moderately stunned (level 2) Wing Commander Brent with a blaster at 18:06:56 [UTC]
For Spectre HQ

Navi at home with Mini Navi at 18:06:45
(Events TL)(Octavyan)(Happy Anniversary!)

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:06:43
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
praise brent

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:06:42
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)

Wing Commander
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:06:41
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:06:39
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Cap'n Brent! ♥

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:06:32
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Michiel, yes

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:06:32
Now we go back to promoting people ...


Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:06:25
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Cheeky - you are pleasant

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:06:16
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Grats PeeVee!

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:06:13
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:06:07
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Yay Michiel!

Terence Trump D'Arby at the cutting edge of protobutt at 18:06:05
Thanks all!

Terence Trump D'Arby at the cutting edge of protobutt at 18:05:59
Adge, do you hear a tune reading everything she says?

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:05:53
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Jadzia Jaxx: aw haha that's cute

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:05:46
Missy: We ♥ you too

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:05:36
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
congrats PV

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:05:36
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Also, grats

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:05:32
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)
Carol: yeah, they have a date every day and he bobs for her then we put him back in his terrarium...and he keeps bobbing by himself for a bit. Feeling very Macho, he is.

Terence Trump D'Arby at the cutting edge of protobutt at 18:05:31
But you said pleasant.

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:05:30
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
I can't read Guinan without laughing anymore. Thanks, Michiel.

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:05:28
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
Congrats Michiel!

Robert at Home at 18:05:26
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Yay PV!

Soka at Endor at 18:05:25

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:05:24
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)

Wing Commander
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:05:22
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yay Michiel!!

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:05:19
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
I'm chill & relaxed. but not as funny as them.

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:05:16
It's Michiel

Congrats, most Oustanding Patron!

Grand Nagus
P'Murt at Ferenginar at 18:05:04
(Make Outpost 10F Great Again)
The Outpost is trying hard to disguise their massive Guinan problem. Everybody is wise to what is happening, very sad! Be honest.

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:04:58
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:04:56
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
Robert, PV, Shadow?

Robert at Home at 18:04:55
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:04:52
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)

Robert at Home at 18:04:50
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Jadzia - HDMI Cord.

Soka at Endor at 18:04:49

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:04:48
(Holodeck - Blue Report)

Wing Commander
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:04:48
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:04:47
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Lord Fear?

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:04:37
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)
Robert: How did you do that?

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:04:34
Now, who is our most Outstanding Patron ? Who is in here every day, chilling? Always pleasant, often hilarious?

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:04:28
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Jadzia Jaxx: Is Murphy still showing off with Stella around?

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:04:27
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
Jadzia Jaxx: my bad

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:04:18
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
Robert: *ooo's & awww's*

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:04:18
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Congrats Al-exis-NotJKAD

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:04:13
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
Carol - Make me a coffee too..

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:04:09
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)
Missy: Dragon

Robert at Home at 18:04:03
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Good thing I got OTF on my 32" TV.

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:03:49
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
Congrats again Al!

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:03:48
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Murphy the dragon says Hi.

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:03:48
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:03:46
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Yay Al!

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:03:45
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Congrats again Al!

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:03:44
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
Danke Missy!

Robert at Home at 18:03:43
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Yay Al!

Wing Commander
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:03:42
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yay Alexis!

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:03:41
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
Jadzia Jaxx: darn cat

Wing Commander
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:03:38
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Dark Jedi Knight
Carol at 70.49.250 at 18:03:37
(fluffle fluff fluffin - Andororororan?)
Funnily enough I just went and made a coffee

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:03:35
A few more awards...

Unsung Hero goes to Alexis. We have him to thank for all the things we don't notice. All the blips that don't happen. All the smooth, slick parts of the Outpost. That's Al.

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:03:26
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:03:22
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
wb shaker. congrats on your award

Dark Jedi Master
Shaker at beep.brrp.bzzrp.boop at 18:03:16
(Old-timer - I gave dust its name)(Iainclaw)
There... back at the computer again

Dark Jedi Master Shaker has entered Classic Cloud City Cantina at 18:03:09 [UTC]
Dark Jedi Master Shaker has received an award in the past week! Congratulations!

Dark Jedi Master
Shake'nTwerk at =/ ::1 at 18:02:50

Robert at Home at 18:02:38
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Tyler - oh, sorry.

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:02:38
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
I need coffee.. I miss coffee

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:02:37
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
Nobody's shown me where the officer's mess was, and I've been CL5 since Jan.

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:02:36
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)
I think my dragon is headed for my laptop keyboard again....

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:02:25
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
*lots = lost.. I got lost, not lots..

Wing Commander
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:02:21
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Clean up after yourself, Robert.

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:02:15
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Potatoes, just follow Carol, she's always there, hogging the coffee machine.

Robert at Home at 18:02:07
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
I hear the Officer's Mess is a real mess these days.

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:02:06
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
Congrats again!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:01:55
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Congrats again, Matt

Wing Commander
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:01:51
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:01:51
(Holodeck - Blue Report)
*Can't see which way AJ is pointing, gets lots*

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:01:47
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Congrats Matt, Mitsky and Beth!

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:01:43
Dr. Matt has also earned Junior Officer of the Month

Last time that man can earn such an award Congrats

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:01:30
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
The officers' mess is that-a-way *points*

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:01:09
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)
Congratulations you all!!
Dr. Matt

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 18:00:57
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Well done, Matt, Mitsky and Beth Well deserved

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:00:55
(Holodeck - Blue Report)

Soka at Endor at 18:00:53
oh wow, congrats!

Wing Commander
Brent at 187.217.227 at 18:00:51
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Yay Dr Matt, Mitsky, Beth!!

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:00:51
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
Congrats CL5's

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:00:50
Congrats and welcome to senior ranks!

Robert at Home at 18:00:50
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Yay Dr Matt, Mitsky, Beth!

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 18:00:43
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
Congratulations on sticking around after meeting us, all of you new CL3s.

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 18:00:37
Next are some new CL5's, some up and comers...

Dr. Matt

Lzrman at Space at 18:00:22

Mashed Potatoes 2.0 at 70.64.218 at 18:00:15
(Holodeck - Blue Report)

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 18:00:09
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
congrats CL3's

Jadzia Jaxx at 35.132.164 at 18:00:08
(The CraZy Dragon Lady)
Congratulations CL3's!!

Soka at Endor at 18:00:04

Robert at Home at 18:00:00
(BC - Administrations)(Iainclaw)
Yay for the CL3s!

Adge at the Shuttle Bay at 17:59:58
(...)(Chief Co-Pilot)
Congrats, CL3s ♥

Lady Castellan
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 17:59:56

Wing Commander
Brent at 187.217.227 at 17:59:55
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 17:59:48
First we have some new CL3's from July and August.


You are all CL3 now! Congratulations.

Wing Commander
Brent at 187.217.227 at 17:59:46
(Shuttle Bay)(Octavyan)
Ray, you make a good point.

Lady Castellan
Katrina at 162.207.201 at 17:59:42
oh dear. yes. Trivia.

Lzrman at Space at 17:59:27
Missy: theres CL 12 with Honors

Vice Marshal
Ray at Spectre HQ at 17:59:26
("I've got a PhD in horribleness.") (Octavyan)
We will probably shoot everyone again next year, really. We don't need much of an excuse.

Lieutenant Commander
Missy at a9e4:99df at 17:59:15
(=/\= Live Long and Prosper =/\=) (Sonatapuff)
CL12's the last CL there is here

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 17:59:12
But we will now...

The Dragon Queen
Taenerys at Dragonstone at 17:58:54
LOL no. We didn't get on to Promos yet.

Lzrman at Space at 17:58:50
Tanya: oh you got an award not a promotion

Soka at Endor at 17:58:45
What, Tanya got promoted??

End Of Chat Transcript 1