Interview with CL4 Calminos

Q1) You're sitting here in OTF a year from now celebrating what a great year it's been for you, what moment did you achieve greatness?:
The moment I did my second trivia. Maybe like six .months because I am lazy.

Q2) Who is your role model at Outpost10F?:
Erm.... Michiel? (Nope) Hydra? TBH they are all cool people.

Q3) What things do you not like to do, but have to?:
Be polite. Sometimes I just want to break things.

Q4) Tell me about a favorite project in real life or an accomplishment that you considered to be the most significant?: I got my first short story published. Seemed like a dream then, doesn't seem important now.

Q5) What does a great day entail?:
Watching DW with a few friends.

Q6) Describe yourself in 5 words?:
Insomniac moron with a big apetite.

Q7) Of the 5 words you placed in the previous question, define an example of yourself being that?:
I will fight someone over the smallest of issues, get upset, eat a whole ton of food, and not sleep and watch tv shows.

Q8) What's your superpower, or what's your spirit animal?:
My superpower is mind control. Like, Noblesse level of mind control.

Q9) If you could elect an OTF patron to lead your country who would they be and why?:
Hydra. He's funny.

Q10) If you were to encounter Iain on the street, what would take place?:
And I raaaaan...

Q11) Favorite in-chat experience?:
Mixed trivia in anniversary last year.

Q12) What is your best memory of the previous year?:
The day when all the CL12s spawned again.

Q13) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:
In law school, still holding a tub of ice cream.

Q14) If you could add any feature or function to the Outpost what would it be?:
HTML addition. I know it's there, but I can't use it. :(

Q15) Do you have a story to share?:

Q16) Make up your own question and answer:
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? The woodchuck would chuck as much wood as he could.

Q17) Additional Comments:

Q18) Ideas for the 20th Anniversary Yearbook:
Leaving it in the capable hands of Lzr-senpai!