Interview with CL7 Mr Numbahs

Q1) You're sitting here in OTF a year from now celebrating what a great year it's been for you, what moment did you achieve greatness?:
Making Captain (CL7), back when I first registered, having Captain in the handle was against the rules and I told myself one day I'll be a legit Captain.

Q2) Who is your role model at Outpost10F?:
Richard Smith, Tanya and Hobbie. They were the voices of reason when I was upset and had no problem telling me when I was about to go too far in my early days. They are the ones that taught me that hard work and care can really get you "up the corporate ladder" and up the ranks while at the same time earning respect of one's peers and the community. I can never thank those 3 enough.

Q3) What things do you not like to do, but have to?:
Well as my children get older I have to be a part more and more of their school and parent events and such. OTF wise I'd say sometimes people look to me in-chat for advise regarding matters and since I stepped down as AM of Comms, I've been out of the loop. I feel bummed I'm not really in the loop of things but I cannot turn down someone asking for help.

Q4) Tell me about a favorite project in real life or an accomplishment that you considered to be the most significant?: I can't really think of one. Recently the only project I did was replacing the headlights in my car. It was rather annoying because I had to remove the entire front bumper. Replacing the lightbulb was a simple tasking but getting to the assembly took a while. Blasted newer cars make it so hard to work on it that people give up and spend loads of money for labor. Conspiracy!!

Q5) What does a great day entail?:
Getting some gaming time on Xbox, some fun conversations in OTF, and knowing at the end of the day I taught my kids a life lesson.

Q6) Describe yourself in 5 words?:
Mleh, rawr, gahhhhhh, FML , eh?

Q7) Of the 5 words you placed in the previous question, define an example of yourself being that?:
mleh = when it's early morning and I hop into OTF out of boredom and I'm there to chat but don't feel like chatting lol

Q8) What's your superpower, or what's your spirit animal?:

Q9) If you could elect an OTF patron to lead your country who would they be and why?:
Hobbie, so when something goes wrong then blaming him is just second nature

Q10) If you were to encounter Iain on the street, what would take place?:
I'd shake his hand then give him a coffee to keep going.

Q11) Favorite in-chat experience?:
Couple years back there was a lamer, can't even remember his name, I went to L2 him because he was getting really racist and I L2'd myself instead. I laughed as I came back in, L2d him instead, and while writing the report as I included to Zild that I apologized for L2ing myself because I had a brain fart. lol

Q12) What is your best memory of the previous year?:
Can't really think of one

Q13) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:
Hopefully done with schooling and making some real money. But I suppose OTF wise it'd be on the EC, maybe even VC. lol

Q14) If you could add any feature or function to the Outpost what would it be?:
I would say to bring in some sort of a block feature, so instead of having a situation with another chatter you want nothing to do with, make it so you never see their posts. There was something years ago that singled out others so you saw just them when there was loads of people around, so it's possible, just reverse it I guess. lol

Q15) Do you have a story to share?:
This one time... in basic training... I mean.. uhm... nevermind..

Q16) Make up your own question and answer:
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? 42, of course, the answer to life the universe and everything in it!

Q17) Additional Comments:

Q18) Ideas for the 20th Anniversary Yearbook:
Questionare up to 20 and a thing to input photo, so it's a one-stop-shop kind of deal. lol