Interview of Dmitri (CL6)

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Person Interviewed: Dmitri (CL6) [2006-07-30]

Q1: Where are you from? Wouldn't you like to know, huh?
Q2: Best and worst thing about OTF? Best thing would be the people obviously, as that is what keeps me there. As for the worst thing...? I haven't a clue. I'll tell you when i figure it out.
Q3: Who out of OTF would you elect the leader of your country? I vaguely remember having a discussion with Mr Iain about the new world order and him being leader of the world government, so i'd elect him for that, so i guess i should for leader of the UK too. But it is conditional. I demand a percentage of the treasury per annum.
Q4: What is your tagline? It pretty much always reads "ISA - Defiant TL" unless i suddenly feel creative and change it. But hey, i don't remember that happening yet so don't count on it.
Q5: Which sci-fi/fantasy movie or show would you want to be in? None that come to mind. I generally don't watch movies or television frequently, so uh... dunno. I'm clueless, big suprise there!
Q6: Are you nostalgic about the "old" OTF? Which parts? Nope. Not really as things haven't really changed all that much in my perception since i joined. And i only joined little over three years ago.
Q7: What change do you feel has been most beneficial for OTF? I think... that the new coffee machine installed just down the hall from ISA's offices is most beneficial. When ISA officers are tired and grumpy, they have coffee, which is a good thing for lamers. Trust me.
Q8: With the appearance of Man In Hat - aka, Mih - and the disappearance of our famed mystery Fleet Admiral, where do you think Octavius Piraeus - aka, "Octagon" - went? I think he renamed himself Xenu and went to live in a mountain.
Q9: What chat themed room would you add to OTF? Maybe a Stargate one? *points up to previous clueless comment* =p
Q10: If you had IAIN-like Powers in OTF... what precisely would you do? I would create a Dmitri themed chat so all my female admirers could come and pay homage. :)
Q11: Why do you think OTF has lasted so long? Because the current members want it to and because the new people keep coming.
Q12: Which smiley should The Powers That Be include next in the chatrooms? An innocent/angel-faced like one. Like the msn (a) smiley.
Q13: Who IS/are "The Powers That Be"? The EC? =p
Q14: What about OTF has kept you returning? As i said above, the people.
Q15: Where were you nine years ago, and what were you doing? Nine years ago i was ten years old. Right now i would be sleeping. Or being an obnoxious child, as they seem to love doing.
Q16: Has Jon ever "Happened" to you? I am proud to say that Jon has not happend to me. If it had, i wouldn't be typing in this form right now, would I? *lol*
Q17: What memories from the last two years stick out most in your mind? Something about Polson manipulating me with the damned Darcy log comes to mind. Damn you Polson. *shakes fist*
Q18: Who's your partner in crime from these last two years in the chats? I have no partner in crime. I'm like a lone cowboy, with nothing but a whiskey bottle and my horse to keep me company. There may be a cowgirl, but it is a secret and Brandi said i can't tell anyone, woah, wait...

Q19: What crimes have you committed with this partner in crime? If i had commited a crime, would i tell you? Huh? No, i think not! Hah! And for the record *points up* lone cowboy!
Q20: What do you think the Senators really do? Good question, what do politicians do?
Q21: If OTF was a real place, what would your quarters look like? There would be a distinct absence of the colour pink, as for anything else, i know not.
Q22: What holodeck program would you make for yourself? Trust me, you really don't want to know.
Q23: If you could choose your own clearance level, which would you want - and why? CL 1,000,000 because bigger is always better. Or so i am told.
Q24: What sci-fi/fantasy character do you like the most? Um, the Doc from ST:Voyager i guess.
Q25: And which character don't you like? I haven't a clue.
Q26: If you were in charge of OTF for one day, what would you do? Sit around, drink coffee and throw orders about whilst pretending to not abuse the armory.
Q27: Who do you know best from OTF? *points to Q19 and mutters something of the lone cowboy comment*
Q28: Have you met any OTF Members in real life? If so, what was it like? Nope. Not yet. But i have plans for CT involving a shopping cart and a hill.
Q29: Of every OTF member you haven't met, who would you most like to meet in real life? I don't think there is one person i can pinpoint above others.
Q30: If you ever met Iain in real life, what would you do? Get him drunk.
Q31: Whatever happened to the Axis of Anti-Iain? It was forcibly dissolved i guess by some supreme being whose name starts with the letter "I"
Q32: What's your favourite part of the Blue Report? I don't have a favourite part, it is all, um, very entertaining/crazy stuff.
Q33: Will people ever stop blaming Hobbie? One day, perhaps, but of one thing i am sure, that day ain't today.
Q34: Who springs to mind when you hear: "That Man"? I don't know and for this i blame Hobbie.
Q35: Is there a sci-fi/fantasy character that reminds you of yourself? Who, and why? None at all that comes to mind.
Q36: What's your take on all the imaginary couples (or triplets) popping up in the forums? There are imaginary couples? Interesting. This i shall be sure to research.
Q37: Man In Hat is angry of how Vic Fontaine is treated at OTF. Do you agree? Man in Hat is always angry. He needs to take see a Doctor about that. As for Vic, he is a hologram, who cares? :?
Q38: What is your favorite OTF activity? This is classified.
Q39: If Iain goes suddenly quiet in OTF, how much do you panic? I do not panic. I merely make sure i am safely making my way towards the security exit in a timely manner.
Q40: How do you try to explain OTF to outsiders? I don't, they wouldn't understand even if i tried.
Q41: If everyone in OTF were to fight in "The Ultimate Showdown of OTF Destiny", who would win? Me. Because i can play dirty :k

Or, you know, someone else, like Iain... damn him.
Q42: What are your nicknames at OTF (aside from your handle)? Well, Quarkles, Amun and JD seem to like calling me "Meat-Tree" so i guess that qualifies.
Q43: Did you really think that there wouldn't be a question about Naberrie / eirrebaN? Well i am assuming his royal Iainess made the form, if so... it is to expected. Hence the excessive amount of questions, just like the excessive amount of characters in his emails.
Q44: Naberrie: a moderating influence on Iain, or an inspiration to and encourager for him? I don't even want to think about it. All i can see is little evil geek-like children running around. God forbid, i feel sorry for their children's school teachers.
Q45: Who's your "favorite goober"? (We know, we know - Amanda said we had to add this one.) I'll get back to you on that.
Q46: "I don't mind yearbook questions, but this here question is Iain-like!" ? No Iain, i am not stroking your ego anymore. Becca already tried to iron you once and she can do it again... don't make me tell her.
Q47: General comments? Let them eat cake!