Interview of Lzrman (CL4)

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Person Interviewed: Lzrman (CL4) [2006-07-18]

Q1: Where are you from? The Womb =) Well actionally im from Alberta, Canada.
Q2: Best and worst thing about OTF? The best things about OTF would have to be the various people from around the world, contributing to the site on a more then regular basis. The worst thing about OTF would be -intercepted by Iain- darn *l*
Q3: Who out of OTF would you elect the leader of your country? If it were my country in the first place, I would probably run it myself. If I was to select a leader or successor, that must be Iain he has a brain of infinate proportion, with a matching ego.
Q4: What is your tagline? "A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more."
Q5: Which sci-fi/fantasy movie or show would you want to be in? I would love to be in a science fiction movie and be some technological genious that saves the day.
Q6: Are you nostalgic about the "old" OTF? Which parts? Yes im very nostalgic about the ''old'' OTF, I loved how fun it was back in the day with the regulars that are 'old' 'ancient' 'nostalgic relics'.
Q7: What change do you feel has been most beneficial for OTF? The change from Version 1 to Version 2. More sites have more information, are easier to use in the past.
Q8: With the appearance of Man In Hat - aka, Mih - and the disappearance of our famed mystery Fleet Admiral, where do you think Octavius Piraeus - aka, "Octagon" - went? I believe Octavius took a long desirved vacation in the Bermuda Triangle, and solved its mysteries and is having one hell of a time trying to get back.
Q9: What chat themed room would you add to OTF? I don't really care for another themed chatroom be added to the outpost, maybe if they had a Doctor Who one that would please all timelords alike, ey Babel?
Q10: If you had IAIN-like Powers in OTF... what precisely would you do? First I would disable all user paths to root making everyone normal users of the system.
Second I would ensure Iain and his own Iain like powers were revoked with a single command line.
Thirdly I would demolish all need for a rank hierarchy(sp?)! we don't really need it.
Fourth and Formost, why not make the webcam work *l* for the server so we can peer in to the box.
Fifth and Finite: Make Iain a Symbol of OTF's Past Present and Future. Install a Bobble head statue of him standing on the server.
Q11: Why do you think OTF has lasted so long? There are many reasons why it has lasted so long, because we have people like Andrew who want to see it continue and not go all to waist at the end continue to support the costs of running the show. Also add to the members who continually contribute to putting new ideas into reality.
Q12: Which smiley should The Powers That Be include next in the chatrooms? That is to be seen, I'm not sure. Many people request the smilie that sleeps back, but like anyone who's seen it, it was the most overused one, causing waisted bandwidth ;) Bring some more animated ones in.
Q13: Who IS/are "The Powers That Be"? Iain is the Power that Is and will forever will B!
Q14: What about OTF has kept you returning? The addiction members, and I want to continue contributing to a site I've been member for years.
Q15: Where were you nine years ago, and what were you doing? 9 Years ago!? I was 12 and I was er? im not quite sure what I was doing. "Playing with yellow trucks" as the commercial had it.
Q16: Has Jon ever "Happened" to you? Yup, and it was good. *lmao* well he took my rank field out and I was for a moment rankless. Another incident he messed with my av, can't remember what it was but It was hularious.
Q17: What memories from the last two years stick out most in your mind? There is many memories that are burried in my subconcious (sp?) and I can't think of 'em. Oh! the time where I got banned for impersonating superman (ey zild :P remember that entry in the trouble list, good times there)
Q18: Who's your partner in crime from these last two years in the chats? Well da'moon was one, then theres gates (cristin) and theres kady, and some of the newer members, oh! polgara you too!!!
Q19: What crimes have you committed with this partner in crime? Polgara and I have comitted crimes against humanity! -intercepted by iain-......... and oh bleh he got me again! *wispers* Crimes against Iain too!
Q20: What do you think the Senators really do? They sit in a Luxury office with robust (male/female) servents who bring them anything they choose.
Q21: If OTF was a real place, what would your quarters look like? Well if my quarters are my residence, and my residence is my bedroom in real life, it would be very very organized and clean.
Q22: What holodeck program would you make for yourself? Well, I'll let your mind windle on that once. Something dreamy.
Q23: If you could choose your own clearance level, which would you want - and why? I would like to retire at Clearance Level 7. For reasons that I would get to use my own avatar and have basic access to most OTF functions in order to keep peace, and order. And help those who are below this level. Maybe I should just go for Iain, kidnap him and lock him up and throw away the key, then I could share in the fun with everyone.
Q24: What sci-fi/fantasy character do you like the most? I would like to be the Emergency Medical Holographic Doctor from the Voyager series, the one who becomes more then his program and becomes ECH and adds command subroutines to his program and evolves in a photon and force field existance.
Q25: And which character don't you like? *l* All the redshirts who die :P
Q26: If you were in charge of OTF for one day, what would you do? I would draft version 3 and make changes on who holds specified levels of power to specific divisions of the chat. I would also put change policies and procedures, making an open door policy where all suggestions and problems about projects, people, and personal delemas(sp?) that get in the way of improving the state of moral. Did i just aliterate 5 words?! whoosh! lol
Q27: Who do you know best from OTF? The person I know the best has to be Obi-to , but there are some mysteries still left that must be figured out. I also know Kapeka very well, we are in consistant contact through letters and I think she's one awesome person. And I can't forget about my Cristin (Gates) she is the one good person to talk to! She's so awesome to talk with. (don't ya agree gates? LOL)
Q28: Have you met any OTF Members in real life? If so, what was it like? Have not yet experience meeting any OTF members in real life. Would love to, but I don't care to spend money on travel. I don't even have the time to to it! I'm working every day.
Q29: Of every OTF member you haven't met, who would you most like to meet in real life? If I havn't met them, how would I meet them? I would like to meet Gates, Kady and some other 's thate live close to me.
Q30: If you ever met Iain in real life, what would you do? I would tactically plant a-intercepted by Iain- ..... introduce myself and have him show me download his knowledge into my brain.
Q31: Whatever happened to the Axis of Anti-Iain? It got dissolved into Iain's subconcious (sp?)
Q32: What's your favourite part of the Blue Report? The parts about member's hard work.
Q33: Will people ever stop blaming Hobbie? Not till he gets married to Bria :)
Q34: Who springs to mind when you hear: "That Man"? Quark!
Q35: Is there a sci-fi/fantasy character that reminds you of yourself? Who, and why? Well if there was a character that was determined , energetic and enthusiastic then that character would be me.
Q36: What's your take on all the imaginary couples (or triplets) popping up in the forums? ? what kind of question is this ?
Q37: Man In Hat is angry of how Vic Fontaine is treated at OTF. Do you agree? No
Q38: What is your favorite OTF activity? Chatting, and Giving my Opinion on Projects
Q39: If Iain goes suddenly quiet in OTF, how much do you panic? Its counterproductive, so why panic in the first place. Well unless he's doing something to your chat session, then you should panic lots.
Q40: How do you try to explain OTF to outsiders? Outsiders? Man I don't even get to exist outside. Why? would I try to explain it to outsiders, I think I've only told one person about this and they tried it for 4 days and moved:P!
Q41: If everyone in OTF were to fight in "The Ultimate Showdown of OTF Destiny", who would win? The person who invented this interview, because they would just set it so winner="4071"
Q42: What are your nicknames at OTF (aside from your handle)? Lizard, Lazy, Lazerbrain, Buggie, Bug
Q43: Did you really think that there wouldn't be a question about Naberrie / eirrebaN? I knew that there would have to be one if Iain created this interview script.
Q44: Naberrie: a moderating influence on Iain, or an inspiration to and encourager for him? Is this a personal insert question to help you with your relationship? Has to be the influence part, he never used to do the things he does now.
Q45: Who's your "favorite goober"? (We know, we know - Amanda said we had to add this one.) What is a Goober?! oh!

Linda is the favorite peanut :)! thats what google defined as goober.

If not then the right side is always good, if ya know what I mean.
Q46: "I don't mind yearbook questions, but this here question is Iain-like!" ? This isn't a question so an answer cannot be iain-like.
Q47: General comments? Start time : 10:50 PM Mountian Standard Time
Completion time: 11:44 PM Mountain Standard Time
Edits: 11:55 PM Done!!!