Interview of Iain (CL8)

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Person Interviewed: Iain (CL8) [2006-07-26]

Q1: Where are you from? Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Alternatively, Vancouver, Canada - in which you will recognise me, for I look precisely like the Server.
Q2: Best and worst thing about OTF? Best: The people (and ONE, often backwards/upside-down/attempting-to-drop-me person in particular... ;-) )
Worst: OTF Politics
Q3: Who out of OTF would you elect the leader of your country? Country (aka, Mezoti/Brandi), simply so I could say: "The leader of my country... is... Country! Everyone greet Country, the country's leader! COUNTRY!"

Alternatively, if that didn't work out, Jon.
Q4: What is your tagline? Usually:
(InDev) (ST DSC) (Grammar me hate...)
Q5: Which sci-fi/fantasy movie or show would you want to be in? Interesting question... there are aspects of ST, SW, the Matrix that I very much like, but whether I'd actually want to live in there...
Q6: Are you nostalgic about the "old" OTF? Which parts? If four years ago, counts as old - in a way, yes. Knowing that people make friends with you because they're being genuine (and are not looking for a promotion or award, say) is the main aspect I miss. There again, I can't say the "new OTF" is bad either - far from it!
Q7: What change do you feel has been most beneficial for OTF? Increased unity... a journey, not where we are now, but we're going the right way.
Q8: With the appearance of Man In Hat - aka, Mih - and the disappearance of our famed mystery Fleet Admiral, where do you think Octavius Piraeus - aka, "Octagon" - went? Geometry class.

Also, CT gave me a clue as to a possible answer. Namely, hanging, frozen in carbonite, in Hong's office.
Q9: What chat themed room would you add to OTF? A Matrix themed room. ... again, that is. *whistles infinitely innocently*
Q10: If you had IAIN-like Powers in OTF... what precisely would you do? Dot dot dot...!

Actually, "dot dot dot" - it has been brought to my attention by myself - is a largely correct answer!

Let's see, go completely wild. Randomly transform people into anything and everything. Write a new armoury script. Get the server running at 4071% efficiency.

And focus a billion percent of my energy on one single person, in the form of: Naberrie. (a)
Q11: Why do you think OTF has lasted so long? It appeals to many people, most especially of all because there's a strong and friendly community - and a community which, ever-changing, has been about in some form or another for years.
Q12: Which smiley should The Powers That Be include next in the chatrooms? Angel, sleeping, and one which I can describe only as "tsss". Wilma (Naberrie) and I regard posting of the "tsss" smiley by a certain Poked Person (aka, Padme) as being a sign of our ultimate and continuing victory in the war against her shoes! :K
Q13: Who IS/are "The Powers That Be"? Wilma (Naberrie).

... also, Jon. And the true puppet master: Shellie.
Q14: What about OTF has kept you returning? The people, and being able to "make a difference".
Q15: Where were you nine years ago, and what were you doing? Let's see... nine years ago, Iain was nine, and living in North England. He was at middle school, and (even then) starting to enhance his computer knowledge. His first webpage was coded up at age 9, using an HTML editor only a little more sophisticated than Notepad...
Q16: Has Jon ever "Happened" to you? :D Yes, yes - many a time! Not only in the sense of transforming me into a gopher, Numa Numa guy, various toys, etc etc - but also in the sense of, while I was the ISA Director, being an unbannable CL2. That was quite the experience!
Q17: What memories from the last two years stick out most in your mind? The unions I've been at spring instantly to mind. Seeing Svenja and Ray in particular, in a variety of different countries.

Of course, most major of all was meeting Wilma (Naberrie) - first online, then in the person... she's even more wonderful in the person than she is online - but I admit that my point of view is highly biased. It's also correct, for -I- have spoken! ;-)
Q18: Who's your partner in crime from these last two years in the chats? Wilma (Naberrie)
Q19: What crimes have you committed with this partner in crime? Oh come now, that would be telling! Of course I know, it is my business to know... :K

There are very few aspects of OTF unaffected by the shockwaves, from these "crimes". And crimes they were indeed... :K

(Oh, and also she's my teacher. But that is not a crime! (a) )
Q20: What do you think the Senators really do? I... AM... the Senate!

Also, deliberate, and deliberate. In the mean time, Ray (Hobbie) tries surreptitiously to overthrow Diane (Jaden Korr), while Svenja (Bria) attempts to take on Osiris for Most Triggerhappy, while actually managing to win Most Diplomatic. How? I do not know... it is the Senate!
Q21: If OTF was a real place, what would your quarters look like? Imagine taking the cover off a desktop PC. That is what my quarters would look like.
Q22: What holodeck program would you make for yourself? Holodecks are not real...

Therefore, there is little point to them - unless you are in a holodeck with a person you know (in which case, the choice of program would be determined by that person, and similar to choosing a place to go out to); or unless it's like a computer game... in which case, something very much like the Matrix, just since it'd be nice to have a computer game / holodeck program like that.
Q23: If you could choose your own clearance level, which would you want - and why? CL3. I would enjoy creating absolute mayhem, by being me - yet only having a nominal clearance level of 3... *whistles innocently* (Not that I did that as a CL1, once, oh no no no no...)
Q24: What sci-fi/fantasy character do you like the most? Neo.
Q25: And which character don't you like? Tom Bombadil, of the Lord of the Rings books - and books alone.
Q26: If you were in charge of OTF for one day, what would you do? Transform some structures, to cut out red tape - and generally improve things for all.
Q27: Who do you know best from OTF? Wilma (Naberrie). And I have best friends too, all of whom I know extremely well, and trust absolutely: Ray (Hobbie), Svenja (Bria), Andrew (AJ), Brandi (Mezoti), Jon (Jon... wait...) are the five of my friends who spring instantly to mind.
Q28: Have you met any OTF Members in real life? If so, what was it like? Yes, on many a union! Every single one was brilliant fun, and it was wonderful to meet them all!

Naturally, one "union" stands out far above all others in my head, though. in my eyes - but my viewpoint... is biased. ;-) And I don't care one bit. (a)
Q29: Of every OTF member you haven't met, who would you most like to meet in real life? Andrew (AJ), and Jon and his family (Shellie and their kids).
Q30: If you ever met Iain in real life, what would you do? Dot... dot... DOT!

I would tell him, "You wonderful man! You are truly even more amazing than I could possibly have imagined. It is a pleasure, and an HONOUR to meet you, good sir!"

Naturally, he would respond to me: "No, the honour is still mine - for I am meeting you, Iain, THE Iain!", and would take my hand, and shake it enthusiastically.

Then the two of us would immediately have a fight over Wilma (Naberrie). And I would win.
Q31: Whatever happened to the Axis of Anti-Iain? I ate it. It was crunchy, and good with ketchup.
Q32: What's your favourite part of the Blue Report? The cartoons, drawn so far by: Andrew (AJ), Svenja (Bria), and Polson.
Q33: Will people ever stop blaming Hobbie? No, it will never stop. Blaming Hobbie is as much an institution in OTF as it is for "I BLAME IAIN!!!" to be written anywhere and everywhere by those flying Dutch girls, one of whom I'm truly lucky to call mine... (a)
Q34: Who springs to mind when you hear: "That Man"? Mih.
Q35: Is there a sci-fi/fantasy character that reminds you of yourself? Who, and why? Oh gosh, there are so many...

Picking out a few...

Neo - Every possible reason.

Data - Android speed, trustiworthness, infinite loyalty, etc etc...

Q - Style.

Picard - Diplomacy.

Spock - Logic.

Troi - Understanding other people.

Anakin of Ep II - At times, he has a modicum of my style! "I don't mind driving, but what you're doing is Iain-like!!!" ... or ... "I hate it when he does that." - enough said. (a) (Oh, and my girlfriend wears a Padme veil, so I'm obligated to answer this. We don't speak of the fact that she put it on ME too!)

There are so very many other characters too, though - every Star Trek bridge character in TNG, for instance, reminds me of me!
Q36: What's your take on all the imaginary couples (or triplets) popping up in the forums? OTF Members scare and disturb me. The Forums are a hive of scum, villainy, and Iain.
Q37: Man In Hat is angry of how Vic Fontaine is treated at OTF. Do you agree? Yes. Vic Fontaine is given far too much leniency. Vic Fontaine deserves to be erased from the space-time continuum. That he has not been is a travesty of justice.
Q38: What is your favorite OTF activity? Surprisingly enough... chatting!
Q39: If Iain goes suddenly quiet in OTF, how much do you panic? I don't panic. I am capable of holding Iain off. Iain is just a man - whereas, I am not... (a)

NB: Do not read the above sentence as my asserting that I am a woman. That is not quite what I meant!
Q40: How do you try to explain OTF to outsiders? "Down there, I make the rules. Down there, -I- make the threats. Down there, I'm... Iain."
Q41: If everyone in OTF were to fight in "The Ultimate Showdown of OTF Destiny", who would win? Three people, precisely, would be left standing at the end of it: Iain (laughing like a madman, and probably having caused the Ultimate Showdown in the first place); Wilma (Naberrie) (since she is Iain), and Padme - on Wilma's insistence, since we would need someone to poke endlessly, in the aftermath of the Ultimate Showdown. *whistles VERY innocently* (a)
Q42: What are your nicknames at OTF (aside from your handle)? Iain, Axolotl, Eeyan, Capital, Strikey, Clicky Blue, Schnookums (I kill you, Eagle...), and I'm a self-proclaimed Naberrie.
Q43: Did you really think that there wouldn't be a question about Naberrie / eirrebaN? You are speaking to the person who forgot, on his very first watching of Episode V, that Luke and Vader were related. :? ... that is to say, of course I knew. It is my business to know. :K
Q44: Naberrie: a moderating influence on Iain, or an inspiration to and encourager for him? I authoritatively speak, when I say: She is his world...
Q45: Who's your "favorite goober"? (We know, we know - Amanda said we had to add this one.) Amanda.
Q46: "I don't mind yearbook questions, but this here question is Iain-like!" ? Iain-possible question... (a)
Q47: General comments? I made Wilma (Naberrie) blush! I WIN! :D And she hasn't even read these answers yet...!

What do you mean, "complete nonsense"? It was entirely true, at the time of writing! And, thus, at all times. (a)