Interview of J.KypD (CL5)

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Person Interviewed: J.KypD (CL5) [2006-07-18]

Q1: Where are you from? In NY...the Big Apple :)... But I am not a worm! :(
Q2: Best and worst thing about OTF? Best thing - all the great chatters here, and friends I've made!

Worse thing - When people just don't listen to what you say...but that doesn't happen to often!
Q3: Who out of OTF would you elect the leader of your country? Iain! Ha...just imagine! We'd all be brainwashed into everything Matrixed! But we'd have already been brainwashed to actually have elected him =[....
Q4: What is your tagline? (ENT-ISA-Senate) (Famous last words: What does this button do?)
Q5: Which sci-fi/fantasy movie or show would you want to be in? Uh...I would've like to have been in Star Wars...and had a lightsaber...and done cool flips and stuff. Yeah...but they're not making anymore :(
Q6: Are you nostalgic about the "old" OTF? Which parts? --
Q7: What change do you feel has been most beneficial for OTF? I haven't been here long enough to see anything drastic!
Q8: With the appearance of Man In Hat - aka, Mih - and the disappearance of our famed mystery Fleet Admiral, where do you think Octavius Piraeus - aka, "Octagon" - went? I think he is a figment of my imagination! :O
Q9: What chat themed room would you add to OTF? A Harry Potter one! I'd love that, seeing as I'm a huge fan!...:}
Q10: If you had IAIN-like Powers in OTF... what precisely would you do? "Iain-Like Powers?"...hmmm...the possibilities are endless! :k...But first, I'd turn the chat top pink. After that, everything would be linked...mysteriously to Google. Then, Lobot or Vic (or Guinan)'s messages would randomly pop out, "NEEB IS COMING! Run to D'deridex and get a FREE cookie! That's right...FREE!"

Yeah, I like to dream big :)
Q11: Why do you think OTF has lasted so long? Just the people in it..and the's so interesting!
Q12: Which smiley should The Powers That Be include next in the chatrooms? A sleeping smiley, a crying smiley, and a bouncing smiley :)
Q13: Who IS/are "The Powers That Be"? The Management. *Nods* We don't question the Management.
Q14: What about OTF has kept you returning?'s very addicting. Then half of my life is already at my computer...might as well do something productive! :D
Q15: Where were you nine years ago, and what were you doing? In the same place...and somewhere in the beginnings of my education...I was only 5 years old :[
Q16: Has Jon ever "Happened" to you? No? Is that a valid answer? Or is this the warning? :(
Q17: What memories from the last two years stick out most in your mind? Basically every time I got promoted =D Nah...that's selfish. But there are too many memories...I can't even remember them :(...This is bad..very bad...
Q18: Who's your partner in crime from these last two years in the chats? Luke! Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke! He better say the same back to me :o
Q19: What crimes have you committed with this partner in crime? Hmmm...just about everything possible. Except attacking the server. That's the last thing we'll do...we wanna go out with a kick and a bang =]
Q20: What do you think the Senators really do? Bribing people, laying around, eating chips and salsa, annoying the Wizards, etc etc... :d Making serious decisions so YOU can have a fun time in OTF. :)

wink wink, nudge nudge :(
Q21: If OTF was a real place, what would your quarters look like? Messy...the bed would be a giant pillow...books on the ground, a real nice computer, a TV, food...and dirty socks strewn around :)
Q22: What holodeck program would you make for yourself? Uh...I don't speak Star Trekease :(
Q23: If you could choose your own clearance level, which would you want - and why? CL7...a custom avvy and IP! But CL6 would be bad either...nice and modest :)
Q24: What sci-fi/fantasy character do you like the most? Wicket W. Warrick. He is my hero, and I am his biggest fan :) We also happen to look alike...:(
Q25: And which character don't you like? Spock always scared me :(...To this day I still do not know why. But other than that, Jar-Jar. He's just plain strange :?
Q26: If you were in charge of OTF for one day, what would you do? Hire someone else to do it for me, or just tell me what to do. I'd be clueless. :(
Q27: Who do you know best from OTF? Ugh...depends...Luke, probably...maybe Brandon :?
Q28: Have you met any OTF Members in real life? If so, what was it like? Er...Luke? Does he count? :(
Q29: Of every OTF member you haven't met, who would you most like to meet in real life? Anyone...I guess :?
Q30: If you ever met Iain in real life, what would you do? I heard he doesn't like hugging :?...:(...maybe I'll prod him with a stick :D...oh...just kidding :(
Q31: Whatever happened to the Axis of Anti-Iain? The Notwerk gobbled it up! :o

Oh noes! :(
Q32: What's your favourite part of the Blue Report? Having a good staring contest :)
Q33: Will people ever stop blaming Hobbie? Yes...maybe some, I change my mind...nope, they won't :)
Q34: Who springs to mind when you hear: "That Man"? I know who you want me to say...and I won't say it, no I won't! :(
Q35: Is there a sci-fi/fantasy character that reminds you of yourself? Who, and why? No..not really...well...maybe some of those Ewoks...short...nosy...messing things up...

A good like-ness :)
Q36: What's your take on all the imaginary couples (or triplets) popping up in the forums? The more the merrier? :? :(
Q37: Man In Hat is angry of how Vic Fontaine is treated at OTF. Do you agree? He is a figment! A figment I say! :o
Q38: What is your favorite OTF activity? I love the holidays and the things planned around them! Also the anniversary...even though they aren't really activities :( But then, I like trivia. :)
Q39: If Iain goes suddenly quiet in OTF, how much do you panic? A lot! Having been a victim of his blackmailing and such, I know what is right from wrong. :(
Q40: How do you try to explain OTF to outsiders? Uh...

"It's a place, where general weirdos like me like to hang out. Yeah. It's pretty sweet."
Q41: If everyone in OTF were to fight in "The Ultimate Showdown of OTF Destiny", who would win? Me! :O...Me, me, me!

Or Neeb. Yes..Neeb has a good chance too.
Q42: What are your nicknames at OTF (aside from your handle)? *sigh* here goes a list:

1) Neeb
2) KypD
3) KyppppppD
4) Keeper
5) Neeb the Underline'd
6) Buttons
7) Junior Kyp
8) Dyp
9) KaipDee
10) KypDea
11) KypDafred
12) Misselina KypD ('s way too long :( )
13) Onions
14) Ms Kyply Deeders [I think that's right :?]
15) tewin
16) MissD
17) Neebster
18) Neeblers
19) Angie
20) King William
21) Kitty
22) Darcy-Girl
Q43: Did you really think that there wouldn't be a question about Naberrie / eirrebaN? Eh...seeing as Iain probably had something to do with all of these, I had my reasons to think that there would be. :(
Q44: Naberrie: a moderating influence on Iain, or an inspiration to and encourager for him? Moderating influence. Definately.

Q45: Who's your "favorite goober"? (We know, we know - Amanda said we had to add this one.) I think goober means peanut :? that case: dry roast, lightly salted :)
Q46: "I don't mind yearbook questions, but this here question is Iain-like!" ? That's not a question :(...More like an abstract statement. *sniff*
Q47: General comments? Cheese is good. I like cheese. Do you?